First Ever Pool - Above ground bestway 4.2m slice of heaven

Hey Kim Kats... :) Merry Christmas... :) Happy Holidays... :)

We're getting closer to the finished product.... The solar cover is fantastic... I purposely cut it extra big so it hangs over the edges of the pool, as these are not the final dimensions of the pool... It will be a little wider when I relevel it completely next year....

The cartridge filter might be here on the 28th December, which would be a bonus... I've got a mechanic that lives in the complex now, so he's going to help me with hose connections and sealing things correctly.... :) I'm feeding his Irish Wolfhound at the moment while he's away so he owes me one... :)

I'll get my phone and post some pics... Tapa talk is so much easier... :)
My water today [emoji2] just finished balancing it!


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Hi Kim Kats....

And this I've managed with a crappy filter and vacuum.... It can be done guys, you've just got to want

Water temp is about 22 degrees celcius so 71 degrees, and its about 26 degrees outside, so lovely... and 78 in your lingo... :) Not a breath of wind, its just beautiful..... :) Water is beautifully balanced.. I've added more water too... This seems to have improved the levelling of the pool if you can believe it...

For these pools, the more water you have in them the better... About one tile from the top white seam.... They sit better, they don't spill as much water, if you can believe it , and its just a better shaped pool.... :)
Hey Kim.... Its not exactly like that at the moment... We've had a snap of cold weather and we've had so much wind... My house is surrounded by Eucalyptus trees and they shed leaves constantly.... I have a steady supply coming across the top of my roof and down the other side directly into my pool... :-( I've had to leave the solar cover on the last two days... The temps have only been around 26 degrees Celsius and adding the wind to that, its not warm enough to swim... So much for having a rip roaring summer.... A whole month has passed and we haven't done much swimming... The kids have, but I haven't... :-(

Oh and I'm still waiting on my bloody cartridge filter to arrive... Its only coming from Sydney which is 3 hours by car from Canberra where I live.... Its been 8 friggin days..... :-( Just so unhappy as I can't use the pool and everything has stalled....

Supposedly there's good weather coming at the end of this week, but no doubt it will be accompanied by wind.... NOT HAPPY JAN....
It's New Years Eve today here in Oz and the weather is supposed to be good although the wind seems to be picking up and I hate that! [emoji35]

This thing is coming off today!

I cut it to run up the sides slightly that way I can protect the corners by pulling it through the holes!

Works brilliantly! I will test and vacuum at 11am when the cover comes off! I wanna swim goddammit!

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Yay we're finally getting some of that hot Australian weather we're used to! Had a great day in the pool! Had a lot of people in it in the last two days so I've had to up the bleach! I am at 7 ppm right now but that will dissipate in two days!

Put a new sun shade up this afternoon to protect Sam during the heat of the day!



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FFS :-( As predicted the wind has picked up something horrible here, so it was a mad scramble to get the solar cover on... So much stuff like pollen, leaves, cat hair and dirt just getting blown into my pool.... Fastway Couriers are so backlogged with undelivered parcels, that I still haven't received my cartridge filter, and I'm tired of working my arse off to keep the pool clean..... :-(
Thank you Kimkats and Zethacat... :) Its going to be a scorcher today.... 35 degrees predicted (95 for you), so I will be taking the solar cover off soon....

Today had better be the day, the cartridge filter arrives... Its the 2nd of January and its back to business as usual..... They're black logged due to the Christmas postage rush.... Even though Christmas was a week ago... Too many public holidays in there, so things got delayed..... I still have no idea how I'm going to make my 38mm hose fit and seal tightly in 40mm ball valves..... Its a puzzlement....

More pics when we change everything over.... So tired of waiting.....
OMG I cannot believe it! My cartridge filter has finally shown up! And as with everything I buy online, I misjudged the size! It's bloody huge and I love it! Check it out!


We're just trying to figure out the plumbing config right now! Ball valves tomorrow and I can get things rolling! Happy camper [emoji1]

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