eXtremely Cloudy Water


Well-known member
May 26, 2020
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool Edge-25
The water is very cloudy and is white in nature. This seems to have happened when we dropped our PO which was staggeringly high down to a better but still high number. Unfortunately with an Intex we could not introduce the chemicals into a strainer but had to do it directly to the pool near the suction. Some of the cloud does seem to settle slightly on the bottom. When I attempt to vacuum (battery powered device) it the cloud passes right through the filter and back into the pool. I attempted to use Leslie's Ultra Bright Advanced (first 4oz waited 2 days then another 4oz yesterday) but zero results. Should have just left the PO alone as we had crystal clear water prior... sigh...

PH = 7.8
CYA = 5
PO = 942
ALK = 81
FAC = 2.2
TAC = 2.4
CH = 313
MT = 0
Really Mombo Jumbo? Funny how this very site recommends a pool store for certain tests based on test kit cost vs number of times to be used (copper being specific).
My numbers are based off the Taylor K2006C and 3 different independent pool stores as being new to this I wanted to make sure the numbers I was coming up with were at least some what accurate within reason. Leslie's was just a whim and for the few bux figured the clarifier could not hurt. My lettering is inline with what the stores were using and I continued to use in order to not mix things up on my end. But everyone seems to have their "own" opinion on everything...

PO is Phosphates.
MT is is copper

Forgot to add Salt is at 2752

So from what I have read at the pool school (I was there before I even got the pool) my water's numbers are not all that bad but the cloudiness has me confused.
Ok, so I’m not sure where you saw that this site recommends pool store testing, but let’s not worry about that. You have a vinyl pool and SWG, so the primary numbers you should be concerned with are as follows:


Depending on your fill water, you might be concerned about metals, but I’m not thinking that is the problem.

All you should be adding to your pool is salt, for the SWG. Liquid chlorine, if you need to boost FC initially then allow SWG to take over, or if you are doing a SLAM. Muriatic acid, if you need to lower pH. CYA, which you should maintain around 70 because you have the SWG. You do have a test kit, so that is good.

What other chemicals did you add, besides the Ultrabright Advanced?
Ah, I’m betting you used Phosfree or something similar?

At any rate, can you test the items above with your test kit, and list results in this thread? Once you’ve done so and we have a real idea of what your numbers are, we can advise. You are probably going to need to boost CYA to 30, lower pH to 7.2, and go through the SLAM process (link in my signature). Your filter may need to be backwashed to get rid of anything gunking it up, and if you have the ability to vacuum to waste you can get rid of some of the residue on the pool bottom that way. If not, that’s ok, just stir it up by brushing so that it will mix thru the water and go thru your filter.
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