*Edit*Morning update*Crud. I think it got a bit ahead of me.

Aug 6, 2011
Virginia Beach
I'll try to keep it brief & to the point, I think algae may have gotten a start on me. My water had been sparkly for some time, then I noticed it was like Sweet Jane- she lost her sparkle and I knew she wasn't the same. I had to do some Truckin' over the weekend, so I added 182(? large jug) oz of Clorox before I left Friday night and left the sand filter running. When we got home Sunday night it was down to .5 TC so I brought it back up. I've been using the 12% liquid I've found at Ollie's, it seems to still have it's potency. Anyways... the water was still cloudy, but not green. I've vacuumed twice in the last 2 days what seems to be pollen. It's not slimy feeling, not on the walls, and it's not just in the shady spots.

When we finished swimming a few minutes ago I did a FAS/DPD test and found I now show .5 CC. I've never shown any CC in the past this season. I started to add 90 oz of 12% to bring it up to shock level. I added the first 30 oz, then realized I'd just added acid instead of chlorine. D'OH!
:hammer: If I looked at the pool calculator correctly, that will bring my PH down to around 6.9 . I have baking soda/PH increaser to bring that back up once the shock process is finished. I added the 90 oz of chlorine and left the filter running, and also fired up the old Intex cartridge filter (with no element) to help circulate the water better.

8/6 Mondays numbers were:
FC: 3.5
CC: 0
TC: 3.5
TA: 110
CYA: 30
PH: 8.0 (bought muriatic acid & lowered to 7.5 yesterday)

These numbers are fairly typical of my weekly testing. I do at least one OTO test daily.

Like Barney Fife used to say, Let's hope I nipped this in the bud!
Re: Crud. I think it got a bit ahead of me.

I owe it to TFP- Last year I would have been pool stored & had green water. I had to go to my local pool store to get the acid, I didn't trust the "90% better" stuff @ Walmart & Home Depot. They both put up the pool supplies already and now feature school supplies.

While there I asked about refilling the carboy I have- 2.5 gallons of 12% for $9.00. They have the same Austin's 12% gallons that I've been getting at Ollie's for $2.99. Their price is $4.99. They DID offer to sell me some powder, but when I told the girl that I'd had problems with cyanuric acid creeping up and TA/PH getting out of control when using it she just kind of faded into the displays. Besides- I still have half the small bucket of dichlor I picked up at the start of the season. I used that to get my initial dose of CYA.

Thanks for the video clip- it was PERFECT! LOL! :cheers:
Re: *Edit*Morning update*Crud. I think it got a bit ahead of

At 1:50 this morning FC was 14.5, CC was 0. Later this morning at 7:30 I went out, and the water is visibly clearer. I did another FAS/DPD test (or 4).
14 (might have lost count, no caffeine yet)
15 (Higher than starting? I don't think so)
14 again

I almost started to test PH, but figured it was pointless right now. I just realized I need to test for CC this morning too- make that 5 tests.
FC 13.5
CC 0-ish. There was just barely a trace of pink. I'll see how that evolves as the process continues.
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