Diluted shock?


May 11, 2021
Cincinnati, Ohio
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
Is there a way to test the strength of my liquid pool shock?
It seems like my shock isn’t very strong. It took me 23 gallons total to get my 27,000 gallon pool from green to clean. And when I smell the bleach it doesn’t smell strong. My little bottle of laundry Clorox smells stronger than my 10% bleach from Walmart, all bought this spring. I am wondering if the walmart shock is diluted or not what it claims to be.
.10 ml of bleach in 1 liter of water. Use distilled water. Test as you would with the FAS-DPD. Number you get is the percent strength.
You need to dilute the bleach by 10,000 to 1 and then test the diluted bleach. An alternative way to do the dilution is to add 10 ml of bleach to 1 liter of water, mix throughly, then add 10 ml of that to another liter of water, mix throughly and then test the FC level. The two liters of water need to be chlorine free, commonly distilled water is used. Also, the 10 ml measurement needs to be as accurate as possible, typically done using a syringe or pipette.