Did the rain change my numbers?


LifeTime Supporter
May 9, 2015
Peoria, AZ
We have had a ton of rain in so ca over the past month. Decided to test everything today.
TA-60 (down from 80)
CH-200 (down from 275)
CYA- 40 (down from 60)
Salt -2000 (down from 2900)
CSI- -0.51

My salt cell has not been making chlorine for the past month or 2 error 144 low salt, I thought it was down to the cold water temp (50-60F). Water is now at 64.


Now I need to add 82 lbs of salt so my cell will start making chlorine again. Never thought rain would make such a change.
I am in FL and can tell you for a fact I have to adjust for a BIG rain event. The drumming of the rain can push PH up. Adding water (rain) does "dilute" the pool water so there will be changes.

Make a note on your pool log about the rain. This will help you learn what needs to be done after such an event.

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