DE filter Pressure High No Skimmer Action


Apr 27, 2015
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
I cleaned my D.E. filter due to high pressure and after cleaning the PSI dropped to about 13 the pool sweep was working and the skimmer was pulling water but not getting much action. After a few hours I noticed the sweep not moving anymore and I checked the PSI and it was up to 25 not sure what’s going on as I’m not use to DE filters.

I suspect that your pool water is green or very cloudy because of algae..

The number one reason causing DE filters to rapidly increase in pressure, is because the filter has become clogged with algae.

This is not a filter problem, as it is just doing its job.. You have a chemical issue and not a filter issue.

I suggest that you read though our pool school and see what we are all about and how the TFP pool care process works.

To clear your pool you will need to perform what we call a SLAM..


Jim R.
It was really green however i got it back to blue but cloudy should I clean the filter again and slam again
kynagr, no amount of filter cleaning alone will do the trick. It's a chemical issue. While killing algae, the filter will grab dead algae and the pressure is expected to rise, so occasional backwashing and re-charging will be required.

For now, you'll want to refer to the SLAM page (link below in my sig) for details on how to completely remove algae and clear your water. Take a look at that page and let us know if you have any questions. If you follow those instructions carefully, you'll do well. Make sure to update your signature though so we know what kind of pool and equipment you have. Also include which test kit you have - hopefully either a TF-100 or Taylor K-2006C. You'll need one of those to perform the SLAM. I can attest to the quality and value of the TF-100.
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