Converting to Chlorine from Baquacil - Check my work


Bronze Supporter
Jul 28, 2013
Northwest Arkansas
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool RJ-45 Plus
4th year on Baqaucil and I'm done. Appears that I have white mold and have spent the better part or 2 weeks trying everything to remove it. Found this site and have decided to go chlorine.

I've read the how to, however, some the links are dead. Anyone have updated links scratched out in the how to?

Also, I've downloaded the Pool Math App, bought the recommended test kit and have a bunch of basket socks coming to. I am also pumping about 2/3 of my pool out and refilling with tap water. My plan is to start the conversion Friday so I can closely monitor the FC levels through the weekend. I also have new sand for when it's time to change it out. What am I missing. I've learned a lot today reading through others posts, just want to ma,e sure I'm not missing something. Thanks for the help.

Doughboy oval pool.
11,000 gallons
150Lb sand filter
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Welcome to the forum!
There are a number of threads still on the forum documenting conversions. We used to have a sub forum on it but got rid of it and rolled the threads into other forums.
Take a look through the link below.
I suggest you read through Pool Care Basics - Trouble Free Pool and even look at a few of our videos TFP-TV - Trouble Free Pool
Is fill water cheap by you ?

I'd drain to 18 inches deep and then watch it like a hawk as I went to 12, ensuring that the liner didn't shift. (Stopping immediately if anything seemed off). Then there would only be 1/4 of the battle after refilling. Chlorine costs a small fortune these days and the full effort may take a couple weeks.

No matter which way you go at it, the biggest hangup is the sun burning off your FC with no CYA to protect it. So do your best to maintain the day FC, but then go deep into the night and/or start way early to maximize not fighting UV loss.
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Thanks for the feedback. 2/3 is real close to 16-18". Not sure I feel real comfortable watching it without a second or third set of eyes helping as I get that close. But I appreciate the feedback and help.
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Ok, battle begins tomorrow. Refilling is almost complete. I was able to drain to about 16" and then refill with fresh tap water.

Question - it is supposed to rain a lot over the next 48-96 hours. Should I start this now or wait for the rain to stop? I figured the rain/clouds would help from a burn off stand point, but wasn't sure if the potential dilution would affect my progress?

Also, 11,000 gallon 20 gallons of 10% enough or will I need more?


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Just a reminder you'll want to change out your sand (and clean filter as best you can while empty) once you pass OCLT.

When you lose 1 ppm of chlorine, or less, overnight it is time to clean out your filter and change the media.

Yeah, I've got my sand and CYA on hand. That's my Monday project.

Question. Is it OK to turn the pump off Sunday to allow more settlement for a second round of vacuuming and sand change on Monday?
Now 25 bottles in. Second major vacuuming and scrubbing. Stirred up a bunch off the stairs and around the edges. I lost 4 PPM overnight last night so I know I'm getting close.

Thanks for everyone's help. My biggest struggle today has been finding extra bleach. The stuff at local Lowes was over a year old...

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