Cloudy like substance


New member
May 24, 2024
This is the first year i had to open an above ground pool. I am seeing a cloudy substance on the bottom of my pool after pump has been off for a couple hours. I put vacuum in and my whole pool gets so cloudy i cant see second step of ladder and seeing blue slimy(simliar to downy) in my filter. Please help i had spent so much money trying to fix this and nothing works…all my chemical levels are good. Thanks in advance.
Welcome to TFP!!! We can help.

What have you added to the pool since you opened? List everything and how much.
How big is your pool?
How are you testing your water and can you add a full set of results?
I did the pool open kit,and I was using the Clorox strips ( which now I know was a big mistake) because every time I checked it the app told me to add clarifier. I have added shock 2 bags like 4 times and pool store has had me add muriatic acid 3 times to now avail. I’m at my wits end with this. I am now using a liquid test kits. My pool is a Coleman swim vista series ll about 4500 gal. Hope added everything you ask for sorry I’m am all new to this
What was the brand of the pool open kit?
What app told you to add clarifier?
What is the brand and name of the shock?
What test kit are you now using, Brand/Model#?

Follow the SLAM process to clear your pool. Link-->SLAM Process

Can you post a full set of test results?
We'll get you clear!

Proof-->How Clear is TFP Clear?
Hth is pool open kit…Clorox shock the small bags..( I use liquid chlorine now) hth 6-way pool test kit… I will test after vacuuming? Is that ok….i look this morning my son had left ladder in last night and it looked like a layer of snow on ladder steps,