Clearing/levelling ground but unclear on ACTUAL footprint


Bronze Supporter
May 18, 2018
Edmonton, Alberta
I got the sod cut today for our next pool - its a model that they stopped making in 2020/2021. I bought it new, unopened and have sourced the online resources (not many other than the PDF of the manual). I can't for the life of me figure out what size footprint I should be clearing and levelling. The pool os 22 X 13 but is that the footprint or the top rail?

Anyone with a similar (or same) pool that can shed some light on this for me?

22 X 13 Pool - Canadian Tire
I think this will get you close.

Brilliant! Thanks so much!

I'm glad I "overshot" with the sod cutter this morning. We had measured out 13X22 leaving a foot from the edge of the deck (so 14X22). On the other side and at the ends I aimed the sod cutter just past middle on the line so I "accidentally" cut away an additional foot on the far long edge and the ends......happy bonus!
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