Cant figure this out

Jun 3, 2013
So my #'s are:
FC 11
CC 0
PH 7.4
CYA 65
Alk 100

Pool runs 24 hrs from 8pm to 8am it runs at only 1700rpms. Shut pool off 4 nights ago to do a chlorine loss test. Stay the same. No drop at all in 12 hours. The issue is, every 5 day the pool gets a slight haze when looking in the deep end. Plenty of Chlorine no CC. If I dump a gal of bleach(6%) when I see the haze, its gone by the next day.
Any ideas?
Have you tried running the pump on high speed for a couple of hours a day to get more circulation? Just a thought since your pool is larger than average...
I doubt the bleach has much to do with it. You are only adding about 1 ppm FC with it.

You should run the pump when doing a Overnight Chlorine Loss Test. Just be sure any chlorine additions are turned off.

How do you chlorinate? Can you add that to your signature?

With a CYA of 70, unless this is a SWCG pool, it is pretty easy to dip below minimum FC.

Take care.
Are you sanitizing with liquid chlorine only? Is there a chance you let fc dip below minimum? Sounds like you have algae starting and and you are just keeping it in check. Do an oclt and see what happens. Maybe a slam is in order.
Let me better explain my schedule and pool. Al the specs are in the signature. The Comfort Chlor is the SWG. Its the same as the Resilience A5 with the 305PX computer.

Pool runs from 8-11 at 2500 RPM, 11-4 at 2200 RPM 4-8 2000 RPM and 8-8 at 1700 RPMS. The SWG is set at 60%. Its been maintaining 11PPM for FC and 0 on CC. I did an overnight test with the pool OFF and no loss at all. I dont use anything but the SWG for Chlorine other than the occasional gal of bleach when I see the haze. Pool as 16 Jets, 2 skimmers and 2 main drains.
Let me better explain my schedule and pool. Al the specs are in the signature. The Comfort Chlor is the SWG. Its the same as the Resilience A5 with the 305PX computer.

Pool runs from 8-11 at 2500 RPM, 11-4 at 2200 RPM 4-8 2000 RPM and 8-8 at 1700 RPMS. The SWG is set at 60%. Its been maintaining 11PPM for FC and 0 on CC. I did an overnight test with the pool OFF and no loss at all. I dont use anything but the SWG for Chlorine other than the occasional gal of bleach when I see the haze. Pool as 16 Jets, 2 skimmers and 2 main drains.
The OCLT should be done with the pump on, the SWG off. Where you grab your sample might be an area free of algae. Somewhere else in the pool may have very low FC. Running the pump ensures the chlorine levels are equalized throughout.
Your SWCG is creating 2 ppm of FC per day. On the low side of normal use unless the pool is covered but you say you maintain 11 ppm FC every day.

Will see what a OCLT says.
So went out to shut off the SWG and start the OCLT and I noticed the pool is almost totally clear again. Haze is just about gone. The only thing I did today was turn the SWG on "Turbo" which is 100%. Same speeds and schedules. Being that we are supposed to get heavy rain tonight I think I will postpone the OCLT test as it will be off due to rain. I am about to test the levels now to see if the parameters have changed.
Test Results

FC 12.5
CC 0
PH 7.4
CYA 65
Alk 100



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Nice looking pool and the tress reflections are super cool. What test kit are you using? CYA is 60 or its 70 not 65...
What a beautiful pool!

I wanted to chime in here and ask if when you notice the "haze" have you ever turned your pool light on at night and looked at the water? The last time my water looked a little cloudy I got worried but then realized it was tiny bubbles. We have a suction side leak somewhere and if I have it turned only to skimmer we get a lot of bubbles, if I turn it to 70% cleaner/30% skimmer the bubbles go away and the water clears up. Long story short-aeration can make water look hazy/cloudy (air in return or water features).
Thanks, its not bubbles. We had about 5-6 inches of rain since sat. Haze got a little more milky on Sunday, dumped in 2.5 gals of 12.5% Liquid Chlorine. Pool is crystal clear today, even with about 2" of rain yesterday. Had to pump pool down on Sunday 2" due to rain and today the pool level is just above the Skimmer, not going to pump down as its going to be hot and I think ill get 1/4" of evap and should be good. Will test in a few.
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