Can I set up a delay for my heater in ScreenLogic2


New member
May 8, 2024
Hi there,

I have my pool controller configured via ScreenLogic to run my pool pump at various speeds every day from 9 AM to 11:59 PM. My trouble is, when the EasyTouch 8 controller first energizes and starts the pump at 9AM, the controller is reading the pool temperature from whatever water has been sitting in the pump discharge line overnight, and is generally below the heater setpoint this time of year. So, the heater will kick on as well, for all of about 1 minute, until the actual pool water gets up to the discharge line and the pipe temperature increases. Is there a way I can delay this initial call for heat to prevent this nuisance cycling? I notice there is a "system delay" screen in Screenlogic, but don't really see any way to set a delay here, or in SL Config. Maybe this is something I can/need to set directly on the EasyTouch? Thanks.
Hmm, good thought. I guess I didn't investigate that you could schedule the heater separately. I figured it was only set up to allow for heat when the main 'POOL' pump was scheduled to run, but your idea makes sense. If I schedule the heater during a time where the main pump schedule is not active, how does the heater behave? No heat? Starts pump with heater as needed? I'm guessing the former, as it doesn't appear to give a pool temp if the pump is not running.
Thanks Jim,

So I just added the "Heater" circuit to the schedule as seen below. We'll see what happens. The other three circuits are essentially just different pump speeds. As long as the "Pool" circuit is active, the heater was able to cycle as needed during that scheduled time. My understanding is adding the "Heater" circuit to the schedule should override that behavior, preventing the heater from cycling outside of the scheduled timeframe - does this seem correct?

FYI I have solar panels, so I have my skimming scheduled during peak sunlight hours.

So my original plan didn't work like I hoped. It functioned the same and the Heater schedule didn't really change anything. I made a change and this seems to make it work like I want:
