Burst auto fill level pipe. Ok to restart pool pump anyway?


May 29, 2020
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Hi folks

I just checked my pool equipment (pumps, filters, and pipes) and it looks like they survived the freeze. They only casualty is my auto fill pipe that is connected to the sprinkle water line. Apparently when the pool was installed the auto fill line was connected before the sprinkler line shut off valve instead of after it thus water was still flowing during the freeze causing the pipe to freeze. We capped this off so now no new water is being directly fed into the pool.

My question is if I refill the pool levels back up with just a regular water house from one of the taps on the side of the house, can I go ahead and restart the pool pumps again?

I assume yes but want to make sure.

PS I am so thankful for this online community for all the tips that allowed me to be as prepared as can be for this unexpected freeze.
You don't need the autofill. Many folks don't have one. Get your pool running and repair the autofill at your leisure.
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Obvious/not so obvious PSA for anyone thinking about the same. Those first few inches of pipe underground were the last to freeze with the ground insulating them. They will also be the last to thaw and could take a while, especially if the area is shaded (possibly by the house) / covered. All’s it would take is for one plug of hidden ice to hammer through something important with the pump priming at 2800++ RPMs.

it’s super easy to add 3ppm daily and mix with a pool brush. Waiting another week will not hurt a thing and you’ll only loose a week that you weren’t swimming anyway.

most folks won’t even have to add any chlorine. Algae can’t grow until the water nears 60 degrees. Even if your daytime highs hit 70 the pool water will be slooooooooooowly rising.
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Yes absolutely I am in no rush to jump in and swim anyway. So will prolly just be checking chemistry and doing brushing to mix in any chlorine that I may need to add. Hoping to have consecutive days of warm weather next week to allow thaw and then restart the power.
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