Be honest, who keeps their FC levels quite a bit higher than recommended?


I always try to keep my FC at my target or slightly higher.. I try to never get close to my minimum.. Other than wasting a little chlorine, I see not harm in running a little hot..

It makes using a SWCG a lot easier then trying to constantly adjust levels up and down each day..


Jim R.
Running 24/7 my battle is always too much instead of not enough. My SLAM is 24-28 so i dont go that high, but 10-16 happens alot.
Since I add LC daily I always bring FC up to the top target. No reason to waste chlorine on higher levels. But if I had an SWG, letting it drift up on days when FC loss is smaller sounds reasonable instead if fiddling with the % settings trying to match daily FC loss.
My minimum is 3 ppm, target is 4 ppm with SLAM at 24. Mine seems comfortable running at 7-8.5 ppm. Pump runs 12 hours at 75%. I'll probably dial it back a little - had a tons of kids and family over the past 2 weeks so wanted to ensure it didn't dip below my target. On a side note a finally got a 50 foot vacuum hose for my 40 foot pool - I'm in heaven not having to swap the hose from one skimmer to the other.
When adding chlorine manually, the amount you add has more to do with the amount of FC your pool uses each day rather than your target.. As an example.. If your target is 6 and your pool uses 4 ppm per day, to stay at your target, you would have to add 4 ppm of FC, which would of course make your FC go up to 10 and then come back to 6 the next day.

Jim R.
If adding chlorine manually daily with a typical loss of 4 ppm with the range of 8 to 4. Do you try to overshoot the top of the range each night? Raise the cya to try and get less then a daily loss of 4? Add an extra dose in the afternoon to give the fc a boost?
I use the recommended target level as my minimum. Usually, my FC runs 1-2ppm above the recommended target level (using SWCG).

Time after time I see posts where people use the minimum level as their target, then are surprised when they get algae outbreaks.

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I use the recommended target level as my minimum. Usually, my FC runs 1-2ppm above the recommended target level (using SWCG).

Time after time I see posts where people use the minimum level as their target, then are surprised when they get algae outbreaks.
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Me as well. With a CYA of 30 and a daily FC loss of 2ppm I dose to 7ppm FC after sunset. When I need to add an inch or more of fill water I always dose an extra .5ppm and lower my pH by .2 the next morning.
Pool math recommends a range of 3-7. I switched a few weeks ago from a target of 5 to a target of 7. I’ve been Testing and adding liquid chlorine daily. Typically the test shows 4-5 and I’ll add to a target of 7. Before switching tests were typically 2.8-3.5. I figured it was better to err on the high side than to be right on the edge by targeting the middle of the range.
Recommended range for me is 4-8. I tend to raise it to 9-10 then let it drift down to 5-6 before I raise it again. I usually add chlorine every other day.
I am on day five of auto-dosing with my Stenner pump. So, I am still trying to get a better grip on my daily losses. When I was doing it manually, I would always shoot for 6, which is the mid point for 40 CYA. But, with the water getting warmer and the days getting hotter, I think I need to shoot higher as the daily FC consumption seems to be growing.

Plus, when doing it manually, I could easily calculate the doses to account for daily fluctuation. Adjusting the run times on the Stenner all the time sort of defeats the purpose of the pump. I think I need to shoot high and adjust run times only if it drifts to 1-2 ppm over the recommended range and continues to rise.

As for increasing CYA, I don't see a lot of benefit as it just increases the minimums and recommended ranges. Although, if daily FC losses rise over 4 ppm, I may bump it up to 50 to see if I can get daily loss back into the 3-3.5 range.
I definitely keep it on the high side, especially now with being in the throes of Florida summer. I like to see that test around 7-8; any lower than that gives me the heebie jeebies. Still havent gotten the SWG set to a sweet spot; I change from running it at 40% to 50% every few days. It drops a bit at 40%; raises a bit at 50%. My last cya test last week was 50%. I ordered stabilizer (should be here today) so Ill bump that up today.

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