Another Hayward EcoStar Not Working


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2015
Pasadena, CA
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool SJ-15
So my system hasn't been running since last weekend. On my AquaLogic control panel I got a "POOL VSC COMM" error message. Can't turn the pump on at all, nada. I had an authorized Hayward repair tech come out and he says its the drive on the pump that's bad. After checking the internet, I see that this pump has a history of problems with the electronics. Anyway, the pump is only 4 years old, on a 3 year warranty. Repair company suggests replacing the whole pump with a new Hayward TriStar (supposedly with better electronics than EcoStar) for $1800. Ouch! Going to call on Monday and see if I can get Hayward to give me an extension on the warranty to cover a new drive or repair, as I read they did that for some folks with this issue. They know they have a dog.

But I'm wondering if anyone had this same problem with EcoStar and replaced the drive with the NEWER drive from the TriStar? Is that even possible? I found one review where he thought his replacement drive was from the TriStar.

Can't believe this thing has only lasted 4 years. We only run it for 7 hours a day at the most, and never at full rpm. I think I'd rather switch my pump to Pentair than give Hayward another $1500.
You talking about the Tristar or TriStar VS pumps?

See what Hayward will do for you. Awhile ago they were covering warranty claims through 4 years.

I summarized the situation in these articles...

The wet end of the Hayward TriStar pump is exactly the same as the EcoStar. They use the same housing, diffuser, and impeller. You can replace the motor of the EcoStar with a single or dual speed motor which will result in the same pump as the TriStar.

There are several versions of the TriStar VS with different THP. If you use the drive from the W3SP3206VSP or SP32950VSP then technically, it should work (i.e. all the same specs). However, I have never done that nor ever seen anyone do that so I can't say with a 100% confidence that there won't be any complications but I don't really expect there to be any significant issues either.

However, before you do that, take James's advice. Those drives are a bit finicky especially with that controller. You can power cycle them several times and still get the comm error but it does not mean the drive is bad.

This has worked for me in the past although I have the MaxFlo and not the EcoStar:

-Make sure the pump run button on the controller is off then turn power off to the drive & controller via the breaker and leave it off for at least 30 sec.

-Power on the drive first, and then after 30 sec the controller.

-After another 30 sec, try to start the pump.

If it still does not work, repeat for a few more times doubling the wait time each round before giving up. Or if you want, just start with really long wait times. But 30 sec usually works for me.
Press the Menu button until the Diagnostic screen appears (fig 83). This menu provides important information about the performance of the pump that can be used during troubleshooting. Below are the different screens and their meaning. These are all real-time displays. Press the ‘>’ button to view information.

When "Event Log" is displayed, press + to view the fault events.
There are several versions of the TriStar VS with different THP. If you use the drive from the W3SP3206VSP or SP32950VSP then technically, it should work (i.e. all the same specs). However, I have never done that nor ever seen anyone do that so I can't say with a 100% confidence that there won't be any complications but I don't really expect there to be any significant issues either.

However, before you do that, take James's advice. Those drives are a bit finicky especially with that controller. You can power cycle them several times and still get the comm error but it does not mean the drive is bad.

This has worked for me in the past although I have the MaxFlo and not the EcoStar:

-Make sure the pump run button on the controller is off then turn power off to the drive & controller via the breaker and leave it off for at least 30 sec.

-Power on the drive first, and then after 30 sec the controller.

-After another 30 sec, try to start the pump.

If it still does not work, repeat for a few more times doubling the wait time each round before giving up. Or if you want, just start with really long wait times. But 30 sec usually works for me.

Thanks everyone, but I've tried turning the power off a few times and still nothing. When this first began happening the screen on the pump was at least lit up, but now it's not even on at all. I'll see where I get with Hayward on Monday.
Maybe you have a power supply problem.

Check the voltage by measuring line-to-line from L1 to L2 and report the exact voltage reading.
Thanks. When it comes to electrical, i don’t feel comfortable messing around, so prefer to let the experts deal with it. I’ll mention it to the tech though.

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Just wanted to follow up on this. I talked to Hayward and they would not extend the warranty on the driver. The authorized tech was able to get their supplier to honor it though, so i ended up only having to pay for labor. So pump is up and running again after 2 weeks of not working. Also found out thru the serial number check that Leslies sold me a pump that was new but 2 years old when i originally bought it. Great.
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