Algae on perfectly balanced pool

22350 gallons,
TF-100 test kit
chlorine level kept between 1.5 and 3.5. Never been below 1.
No CC levels. Zeosand filter.
CYA level of about 25.
TA of 70
CH of 200
PH varies from 7.7-7.8 during the day down to 7.4-7.5 at night when the pool is not running
Currently using CALHYPO tabs not to raise the CyA.
I also add liquid chlorine to “help” the tablets if we get a big rain.
I check chlorine levels morning and night.
Pool was opened 1 1/2 ago with fresh water.
So Inlook on the edges, between the wall and the pool floor, and there is green algae growing there.
First time it happened was after a heavy rain.
I shocked the pool to 10ppm and kept it there for 2 days.
2 weeks later, a little algae shows up in the same edge again. I brush it and raise chlorine to 5 ppm. Kept there for two days.
A week has passed and today I find algae on the same spot.
I also have a PHin monitor that tells me the PH and ORP throghout the day.
ORP has always been in the mid mark.
So, all my readings are always great and have always been.
I barely have CYA levels in my water.
And the algae is showing up.
Many ideas why?
today I brushed it again, tested chlorine again. it was 3ppm.
So I added a Poly60 algaecide.
According to instructions, initial dosage is higher, than just add a bit every week for maintenance.
As soon as I added it, my ORP dropped significantly, almost reaching the lowest allowable level for balance.
So I heard that the poly algaecide combines with chlorine.
I added 1/2 package of CALHYPo shock.
I will test chlorine when I get home after work.
And test CC levels.
I am sure I will get it balanced again, but I just don’t understand why is there algae growing in the pool to begin with.
from what I heard and read about, algae should not develop on a perfectly balanced pool.
And I have kept my pool balanced since I opened it.
If your CYA is 25 and your chlorine level has dropped to 1.5, then you have gone below the minimum. The CYA chart shows a minimum FC of 7.5% of your CYA (rounded). In your case that would be 1.875 ppm. To allow the FC to dip to 1.5 is below the MINIMUM level for your CYA. Take in to account that there can be variable FC levels in the pool due to circulation (or lack of it) and you will have algae growing conditions. Also consider that the CYA test is the hardest one to do with the most variability. SLAM and then keep your FC higher than your minimum level at all times. In order to do this, you have to have some margin of error above the minimum. I keep mine 1ppm above the minimum or more. If you allow your FC to ever drop below the minimum you don't have a "perfectly balanced pool" and have created conditions that may allow algae growth.
Than makes sense.
I will change my minimum to 2.8ppm.
However, my ORP never dropped below 675. PHin limits are 675 min and 875 max and mine is always fluctuating in the middle.
It really bothers me to have algae and great ORP. Maybe PHin is also wrong.
So I guess the other suggestion to raise CYA would just make things worst.
I will keep CYA Ned just raise chlorine.
So I guess the other suggestion to raise CYA would just make things worst.
Not at all. CYA of less than 30 is too low for Tennessee and you will save quite a bit of FC if you boost CYA to 40-50 and then keep your FC in the suggested ranges on the FC/CYA chart

I hope you read the link Steve posted above......ORP really isn't for residential pools.
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