algae and calcium

Apr 13, 2016
Hi all,

year three with my inground pool...its getting easier but I'm not quite there yet.

Here are my readings pH 7.12
FC 1.23
TC 1.58
TA high (off scale)
CYA 70
(its all ive got and best I can do where I am :).

Pool was great, and then kids had a pool party FC dropped right off, pool went milky. I responded late (extra running SWG), and now have above readings.

Pool is good but not crystal, and there are very small areas of green algae in isolated spots on walls.

Questions.....with appearance of algae (even small) it it imperative to SLAM or can I treat in other ways?

....I have a marble stone edging along tiled mosaic submerged steps. This marble is slowly disolving in the pool water. What effect will this have on chemistry and is this anything to do with cloudyness?

Many thanks for any comments

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Hello MD and welcome to TFP! :wave:
with appearance of algae (even small) it it imperative to SLAM or can I treat in other ways?
With algae, a SLAM is your best method of treatment. Do you have any places where you can get regular liquid bleach? That would be your best way to increase FC quickly and accurately.

As for the Marble, it has nothing to do with the algae. If your calcium level (CH) is low, it may be dissolving and when it does, also increasing the CH in the water to compensate.

Testing with a good kit and obtaining accurate test results is key. You may have limitations in France, but we typically recommend either a TF-100 (link below) or Taylor K-2006C. The Taylor kit can be ordered from Amazon if you have access. Also, please see the vital links below in my signature. They should help you as well. Hope that helps.
Thanks TS for your comments.

Looking at your Cl/CYA charts i think i've been running too low a FC level. Pushing it up as we speak and pool looking better.

On the disolved marble, just wondering if the milkiness (which seems now to be less visible) could be some kind of marble residue in suspension, and if so what to do about it?

Thanks MD
On the disolved marble, just wondering if the milkiness (which seems now to be less visible) could be some kind of marble residue in suspension, and if so what to do about it?
If it is, not much you can do but let the filter eventually catch it. Hopefully by maintaining your CH in the proper range it will stop and further deterioration.
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