Advice Needed - Trouble keeping it clear.


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2012
I'm fighting FC loss, then haze, then green. Rinse, lather, repeat.

Normally I maintain myself and keep it within TroubleFreePool limits. But the pool guy replaced the liner (March) and put in too much salt (4000) and bicarbonate (130) on refill. I've been letting pH creep up to 8, then adding acid (typically 24oz) to reduce pH and alkalinity together. Salt level is noticeably high (taste), but acceptable to swim in. The high salt indicator has never come on, so I've been letting salt drop with water loss/additions vs doing a 20% water change.

As I sit here staring at the cell voltage/current numbers and adding gallons of chlorine, I'm beginning to think it may be losing FC because it's "infected". But with what? The water was crystal clear and output was set at 30% w/ 12hr run time. Overnight at 100% usually nets me ~+4ppm FC. That has been my SOP for a decade. I even speculated that this cell may have lost efficiency, so 3-4 weeks ago I shocked the pool (CYA 60 - 17ppm) raised daily output to 50% (5/28). Each time the FC falls, water slowly turns milky/hazy, algae collects on the shady inclines, then it blooms green overnight.

If this isn't the cell/board, I'm at a loss. After 10 years (when I found, I've never had a clear/clean pool that wouldn't keep FC, except when my current limiter died and when my last cell died.


27,000 gal vinyl liner, replaced and refilled in March 2017.
Current status - light green and currently SLAMing. Raised FC to 31ppm yesterday. 17ppm today. Will re-raise to 31ppm and hold until passes OCLT

Aquarite by Goldline,
Cell T15 was original cell type as well. Last cell life was 9 years running 12hrs @ 25% avg
Panel looks/behaves normally. Power solid, generating lit, and if activated, super is lit. All others unlit.
Current limiter replaced 4-5 years ago. Have cell current and panel behaves properly, so that does not appear to be that problem.

Average salt - 3800
Temp - 84
Cell voltage - 25.5
Cell current - 7.22
Output - 100%
Instant Salt - 3600 (Seems normal as I just added 1in of water)
Model: - AL-0
Software - R1.58
Cell - T-15

Chemistry (current):
FC - Before shock 0. Currently 17
CC - Before shock 0.5. Currently - Did not test.
PH - 7.6 before shocking.
ALK - 100
CYA - 80
CH - 130

Chemistry (target):
FC - 8 ppm
CC - 0
PH - 7.5 to 7.8
ALK - 75
CYA - 75
CH - 100-150
You win a few battles, but you haven't won the algae war. You attack, then let up, and allow it to regroup.

I suggest you follow the SLAM Process procedure all the way to completion. Once the last of the algae is dead (and remember, then stuff that comes back are the hardier strains you didn't kill earlier) you water will sparkle and the SWG will be able to keep up with the demand.
Use a 5 ml sample, multiple by 1 (your accuracy will drop)...

That's what I was considering, or possibly even 2.5ml, but I didn't know if the titration would still be accurate.

Would you cut the R-870 down to one Dipper? that's actually the part that's hard to figure out. 870 is the indicator, but it's also clearly a mixture. Without understanding what's in there and how it affects the titration, it's difficult to scale up/down.

It would be really nice if we had two concentrations of 871 for use when shocking. One at 5ml/drop concentration, the other at 0.5ml/drop or even 1.0ml.

Actually, as I write this I'm thinking that it should be 5/1ml at 25/10 as the normal configuration. IMHO, 0.2ml is useless and 0.5 is too granular for most purposes.
Order more. Keep adding at least as much chlorine as you have been using on a daily basis until you get your order.

Might use more chlorine than necessary, but that should burn off in the sun.

Take care.
Follow up: This was a tough one. Something not visible in the water was multiplying rapidly while remaining invisible at chlorine levels above zero. Even starting at 20ppm with SWG running at 100% it would be at zero in 3-4 days.

After 10gal @ 8.25% to reach 31ppm, then 5 gal (plus SWG @ 100%), then 3 gal + SWG it was still not passing OCLT. I added 3gal per day "blind" for 3 more days, then got my R-871 and it passed OCLT the next morning. No problems since.

Lesson: Don't half-way SLAM.

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