A Convert and a hearty Thank You to TFP!!


Bronze Supporter
Oct 13, 2017
Woodbridge, VA
...and I haven't even fixed the actual problem yet. But the wonderful people and insights on here have already got the proverbial lightbulb blazing.

I'll lead with the end: I have a TF100 kit on the way and have identified the best and cheapest sources for recommended chemicals in my area (northern VA).

The quick story: Spent 3 weeks away this summer in South Africa with the fam. Ever since we've returned, have had troubles with algae blooms and a pH roller coaster. My wife keeps asking me why it's an issue this year. You TFP vets are already guessing at the answer. The wife wanted to know why we had such good results last year just heavying up on the skimmer pucks. Is it clear now? It is to me, thanks to you kind folks. My CYA level is through the roof, no good FC levels, been using test strips, etc.

I have seen the light, ordered the test kit and am prepping for a significant drain/refill, SLAM and move forward with what I now understand of the TFP method. Sure, I'll make some mistakes. But I now know so much more that I'll be able to solve them.

Will post results (and maybe a question or two) as I move forward. But I already know this is the answer.

And I found it on TFP!! :cool:
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LOVE IT!!! :hug: This post made my heart smile!

Pssstttt did you know you can keep the lights on by becoming a supporting member? Look up at the top of the page AND you can get a discount on the test kit. I bet the owner of the company can make it happen even if you have already ordered and paid for it. They are awesome like that!!

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