Hello! I found this thread when I looked up "trouble free pool dry ice in pool."
My family from Iowa is coming to visit for the 4th of July, and my super creative brother asked if we could put dry ice in the pool. It sounds like so much fun, but I was concerned what it would do to water chemistry. After reading this thread, I see that it will lower my pH. My pH rises, I have the in-floor cleaning system that seems to aerate the water, and also a spray bar that keeps the water moving. I am hopeful that these two combined would bring the pH back up. I see that Chem Geek already tried this, but I would really like to know if you advise against it. But, if it is okay to go, I would like to know what a safe amount would be for my 12,000 gallon pool (water temp between 90-94 degrees). Would five pounds be too much? Or is it better to just not put dry ice in the pool?