Maximum safe chlorine level

meatloaf said:
What is the maximum chlorine level you could have and still be safe to swim?

Asking that is like asking how high is high. Everyone has an different opinion.

I use 10ppm as a guide line. If the level was 11ppm and a hot day, I would still let the grandkids go in. I would just tell my wife to make them take a shower when they were done swimming. To know when enough is enough, I would watch their eyes for redness.

I hope this gives you alittle help.
I think I've jumped in at 13ppm, CYA was 100. I made sure to wash suits immediately, as well as myself!

Another way to look at it: have you ever jumped into a pond? That had no chlorination, and most likely quite a few yuck molecules swimming around with you.
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