Has anyone installed their own natural gas heater?

Sep 22, 2011
My pool gets good sun all day long, but I've been toying with the idea of adding a heater. Last summer, we had a really mild August in the North East and we really didn't use the pool because the water was too cold. Also, a heater would add some weeks to swimming season, which would be nice. Like everything else, I'm trying to do it on the cheap. I'd rather save a few hundred in labor and put that toward a higher BTU heater. I'm looking at a 350k to 400k BTU Hawyard for about $1,600. Is that something I can install myself? I have plenty of room near my pump and the prior owner ran a gas line right to where the heater would sit. I know I need to make sure my meter can handle the additional BTUs, but how hard is it to install a heater?

Not to be rude but if you dont know how hard it would be I would guess that it would beyond what you want to tackle especially dealing with natural gas and electricity.

You could purchase and set but do yourself a favor and hire the other parts out to certified professionals.
Have it professionally done so you know it's right. If you were just replacing something you had with something newer is one thing but a fresh new install is something you might want to pay a few bucks more for.

I would also look around about that Hayward heater. Do LOTS of research before you buy.
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