Need some help with basics!!

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May 30, 2007
Western KY
I am a new inground pool owner and need some help with the basics. My pool has a liner, sand filter, and is 20,000 gallons. What chemicals should I normally have to add weekly/monthly? How often should I vacume? How many hours per day should I run the filter? Each Time I vacume the water becomes cloudy, what is the cause for this?
First, get a good test kit!

Daily - skim the surface, clean skimmer basket(s), test chlorine, add bleach as needed.
With a SWG, chemical additions in last 24 hours, or after a storm also test the PH.
Weekly - vacuum, clean out the pump strainer basket, check water level, run a full set of tests
As needed - watch filter pressure, backwash (sand, DE) or clean (cartridge) when pressure goes up 10 psi

Running the pump 10 hours a day is a good default. Keep an eye on your water and if it looks great lower the run time, if it looks bad raise the run time. [[You might want to take a try at guessing the number of gallons per minute (GPM) your pump/filter system moves to see if you can get a better starting point, but that is complex and the appearance of the water is the factor that really matters.]]

Good Luck!
How are you vacuuming it? Using a vacuum, with your filter set on "Waste", or something different?

I tried hard not to do the above, since I hate the amount of water it wastes, and we live on an old street with no storm sewers (at the top of a hill no less, I basically have to flood out the street :<) but for the finer particulate, I couldn't find any other way to do it.

Using the hose method with water to waste, I had no problem getting rid of it, as long as I went somewhat slow. Just let everything settle for about a day (turn the pump/filter off), and it should all vacuum up pretty nicely.
I have been vacuming on filter for the same reason that you mentioned above (wastes too much water).

Sean, from reading the link that you attached, I can use bleach instead of the overpriced pucks at the pool store?? Will it not discolor the liner? Do I need to brush the pool after adding the bleach?

Great forum, by the way. I have learned more in the past day than I have in the past month trying to figure this stuff out on my own.
cateng said:
I have been vacuming on filter for the same reason that you mentioned above (wastes too much water).

Sean, from reading the link that you attached, I can use bleach instead of the overpriced pucks at the pool store??

Not Sean, but YES! bleach is simply another form of chlorine!

Will it not discolor the liner?

It will not! Bleach is actually a less concentrated (5.75 or 6%) form of liquid chlorine commonly sold at pool stores (which is usually 12%) Ok, if you pour it in one place with the pump off, yes, but so will pucks or or dichlor

Do I need to brush the pool after adding the bleach?

Nope! just add the bleach slowly in front of a return with your pump running, of course, and let the pump run for a while to circulate. If you need to brush anyway, it will just help distribute the Cl faster!

Great forum, by the way. I have learned more in the past day than I have in the past month trying to figure this stuff out on my own.
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