Replace regular AGP with an Intex?

May 9, 2009
Hi, our regular metal above ground pool is over 10 years old and is rusting through due to leaks over the past couple years. Anyway its looking like major repairs / major dollars to fix it so I was wondering if I could put an Intex in its place without too much trouble? The pool I have now is 18' X 48". I would like to replace with the same size in an Intex because I have an existing deck around nearly half of it. Has anyone done this or have any advise to share? Thanks!
I see no problem with that. Be aware though that Intex couplings and hoses are not compatible with normal AGP fittings.

If you do go the Intex route, you can simply re-use the through-wall fittings from your metal AGP. You will probably have to re-plumb the pool anyway.
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