Oily feel to water


Mar 19, 2012
I have an above ground 21' pool, new liner installed this year. Got it filled and has been running for about 1 month. Been in it, but water is chilly 76F. I just recently noticed that the water has an oily feel to it that wasn't there earlier. No sheen or anything I can see, just feels funny. Water looks crystal clear. Any one experienced this or have any ideas on what may be causing this?


CYA: 70
Ph: 7.6
FC: 4.0
CC: 0
TA: 70
CH: 200
Salt: 3200
Borates: none added, but planning on it.
Aqua-Trol RJ
DE filter
No lotion, that would have been too easy. I did ask everyone that was swimming. It is a weird feeling, kinda slippery, but not bad and the water will bead up on your skin, even tho you cant see anything there.
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