A Cheap Pool Cooler for the end of Summer


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Apr 1, 2007
Sebring, Florida
I'm seeing a lot of 90 degree temps posted. That's too hot for my tastes. This evaporator/aerator was put together with PVC pipe I had laying around and is incredibly effective. My full sun pool will overheat without it and with it, I actually have to shut it off from time to time because the water gets a little cool. (81 yesterday)[attachment=0:17vww2f4]poolcooler.jpg[/attachment:17vww2f4]

I removed one of my return eyballs, then had to go to the poolstore to get the little plastic key to remove the inside collar that the eyeball screws into. Once that's out, a standard 1.5" threaded PVC fit directly into the return pipe. The pictures aren't great but you can see I just glued some PVC pieces to make four "jets" to elevate the water. I drilled 1/8" holes in the top of each.

Quite cheap, incredibly effective and the kids think it's fun.

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very interesting...

I've got a wide spillover, and my temps are still running 94 or so by end of day... dropping to 91 overnight.

I'm guessing that circulating water through 95 deg air doesn't cool it very much (if any).... might even be heating it?

What are the air temps running in your area right now?
temps here are similar 93+ everyday.

The cooler works because of the evaporative process (which releases heat from the water) and will work beautifully with very hot temps. My opinion (not based on data) is that it is more effective during the day because of the lower relative humidity. In the Southwest, I'm convinced it would make icicles! :lol:

Muggy Lousiana isn't good but not much worse than North Carolina. My 43k pool will usually drop 5 degrees after two daytime runs. Early AM will not be too effective because of the high relative humidity.......probably 11:00AM 'til 6:00pm is best. You can be in the pool and feel the cooler water dropping back to the surface. The higher you can elevate the water and the finest drops you can produce will give you the most effect. The volume of water you push into the air will have a lot of affect, too. A small, commercial fountain may work but doesn't produce much volume or elevation.
I thought it was genious = I'm trying to figure out a way to do it at home. I'm just trying to get a visual of the little plastic key to remove the inside collar. Couldn't you just screw in a threaded piece of PVC?
Nice! while my area is in the 100's (Dallas) we went a head a purchased a polaris fountain...I know it's something I could have done myself but for the cost of the polaris quick release and having to spent the time measuring and cutting, it made more sense for me to go a head and purchase one.

It was about $60 on ebay, sounds like a lot till I called some local stores that had them for $200!! The other reason I purchased one for the polaris is that it's the only centered fitting I have, the other ones are at the corners of the pool to circulate the water.

Works nicely, while my friends pools are in the mid to upper 90's around here I'm hovering between 88 and 90...not perfect but it also makes a nice budget fountain feature.

I did have to get a 3/4" threaded peice to 'stretch' the threads on the adapter that screws onto the PVC.

I'll add some pictures later.

I like it!

Not only is it a nice cooler...but it's a cooler cooler :p

I really do like it my kids would probably love one for next year.

take care,
Sure wish I had seen that a couple weeks ago! Our pool was just too hot to enjoy.

Are you sure you do not have too much time on your hands? Okay, TFP people, order more refills and kits!....and btw, that BOGO idea sounds really good! :lol:

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This is a great idea, but there are a couple of things to keep in mind. If you're in a very humid area it won't help a lot (that said, a degree or two F can make the difference between refreshing and not). I'm just across the lake from New Orleans so it's 80-90+ % RH in the dog days and I don't get much evaporative cooling. The other thing is, this will drive your pH up; not a big deal for some but a PITA for others.
Pretty cool, Dave. :goodjob:

If I didn't already have a fountain, I might try something like this. As far as the best time to run it, I've found my pool cools down more quickly after sundown thanks to radiational cooling, coupled with the evaporation from the fountain. Last week we had a very weak cool front come through that lowered the ambient temp to 68 - 70 overnight. My pool temp dropped 6 degrees overnight (from 89 to 83). I had to take the fountain loose the next morning. Of course, I've got much less water than you to cool, too, so that comes into effect as well.

thanks for your post. i had been relying on my spa overflow to cool my pool... with absolutely zero success.

after thinking about your post, i fired up my two little deck jets that don't look too great, especially without working to get them balanced (which my automation isn't programmed yet... thanks again, mr. terrible pb).... yesterday I fired up my deck jets and let them run day and night...

the weather did break a little, but not this much. went from 94 degrees to 91, then down to 86! sweet!

thanks again!

jmills said:
I once heard that people in Phoenix sometimes have ice delivered to cool the pool. Is there any truth to this?

I don't personally know of anyone who has done it, but it wouldn't surprise me if someone has.

I can always seem to keep my pool cool with the aerator.

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