Electric snow-melt system for spa cover?

I can't imagine you'd want one if you found one. I can only envision snow melting on your spa, dripping down onto your deck, then refreezing. You'd break your neck just getting to the spa!

Try this... if you have an old blanket which is sturdy and is large enough to cover your spa, place it over the cover. After a snowfall, pull the blanket and snow or ice (all at once) off the spa to the ground or onto your deck, where if may be easier to shovel away. It may keep the cover from getting scratched, as well.

Thanks, Dan.
The front side of the deck, including the steps up to the spa, has electric rummerized snow/ice melting mats. The walkway to the spa has snow-melt cables layed underneath the tiles. I thought about the blanket but we get up to 3 feet of snow & ice here, no way I could pull this load off. I am just surprised that the cover holds up to this load (it's an Arctic 6 inch)
Cheers! Harold
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