Intermatic P1353ME Timer compatible with Intelliflo?

Mar 29, 2009
First my question:

Can the Intermatic P1353ME timer be used to control the low/high speeds on the Intelliflo 4x160 Pump?


I currently have a 2HP (1.1 SF) pump serving a 15K gal pool/spa combination. I also have a Polaris 380 with a 3/4 HP booster pump. I am interested in replacing the pool pump with a two-speed (Whisperflo) or variable speed (Intelliflo) for the substantial energy savings and the fact that my existing pump seems to be getting louder every week (It's >15 years old nand probably running on borrowed time). I currently have dual Reliance mechanical timers

I want to be able to run the pump on low speed for 8-10 hours/day (as necessary) and high speed (for the cleaner) for ~2 hours/day. I am not interested in investing a lot of $$ in pool automation controls (Intellitouch etc), a simple (reliable) timer is all I need. The Intermatic P1353ME or Tight Watt seem to have all the features I need but I don't understand if they can control the low/high speeds on the Intelliflo or the 2-speed Whisperflo. What say you experts on this forum?

Thanks in advance for any insights!

I"m using that timer on with my two-speed pump and booster pump. It has been working for a couple years without issue.

You set it into Mode 4 and it ensures that the main pump is running prior to starting the booster pump.

Whether it works with the Intelliflow pump I don't know.

You can't change speeds on an IntelliFlo from an external timer unless you also get an IntelliComm, which costs around $400. You can use the timer to turn the pump on and off. When used that way the pump will stay at whatever speed you left it on last. Only the Pentair automation systems, and some of the newest of the Hayward automation systems, have the special support required to change speeds without an IntelliComm.

So far, this is the only advantage the Hayward TriStar Energy Solution pump as over the IntelliFlo. The Hayward variable speed pump comes with support for controlling two different speeds from a timer standard.
Dave- Thanks for the info on the Intermatic P1353, sounds like it is working well for you. What 2-speed pump are you using?

JasonLion- Thanks for the info on the Intelliflo pump, after searching a bit more I found that you had covered this in a previous post, sorry for the repeat inquiry. I understand now that the Intelliflo VF has a "rather fancy timer" which would do everything I need (and much much more) except control an external pump.

Too bad, I don't know if I'm in the minority, but Pentair seems to be missing a segment of the market that would be willing to shell out $950 (VS) to $1,200 (VF) for a highly efficient variable-speed pump but don't want/need anything more than a simple timer system and control for a pressure-side pool cleaner.

I'll check out the Hayward Tristar but based on my prior experience (and forums like TFP!) I usually like my technology to be 2-3 years old and (somewhat) proven...


15K Inground pool/spa combo
2HP Pump 1.1 SF, Raypak RP2100 heater (w/ new LCD)
Polaris 380 with 3/4" HP Booster Pump
Dual Reliance Mechanical Timers (antiques!)
PacFab Mytilus MY-140 Cartridge Filters
I agree, I think Pentair has made a mistake here. When it first came out, it was a high end pump, and it was reasonable to assume you were getting an automation system with it. But these days it is an energy efficient pump, which is perfectly reasonable to use in even a very simple pool. By leaving out timer and SWG control integration without an automation system they are practically handing that segment of the market over to other companies. That is sad, because the IntelliFlo is a better pump.
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