peeking at my pool... won't be opening until june, probably!

Nov 14, 2015
Chicagoland, IL
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
We're probably not going to be opening the pool soon, due to needing to focus time and $$ on other parts of our fixer-upper, but I did take a peek at the water on these lovely warm days we've been having. I was surprised at how clear it is, thinking we would have a green swamp. We can see 4 steps of the pool, and dirt, worms and debris.

The water is almost touching the bottom edge of the pool deck, but maybe that's a good thing, if we're going to be vacuuming and just flushing the water our of the pool?

Unfortunately, we already know that we'll need to invest in the pool more than chemicals - there's missing equipment, and some damaged pipes. For a while we thought we might not be able to open it at all this year, but now I'm hopeful (especially with the knowledge here) that we can reduce the cost of getting it up and running.

But - the equipment/repairs part aside - I'm feeling pretty good about the prospects of having a nice pool for ourselves and our friends in the coming years!
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