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  1. M

    Adhesive Recommendations for Replacing Tiles That Fell Off

    The tiles around my pool are irregular shaped. At one location around the perimeter of the pool, a small tile fell off. I didn't think much of it, until another fell off, right next to where the first one fell off a few months earlier. Then a few days ago, a large tile fell off adjacent to...
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    Need Recommendation for Reaffixing Small Pool Tile

    Hi have a small pool tile, about the size of a quarter coin that fell off just above the water line. I was wondering what people recommend to glue it back on permanently. I scanned the forum, and there were several suggestions to other people. Let me know what you think is best, or your...
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    Has Anyone Cleaned Their Pool Tiles, and, If So, How?

    Did you just spray it on with spray bottle? How much did you dilute the acid? Thanks!
  4. M

    Has Anyone Cleaned Their Pool Tiles, and, If So, How?

    I appreciate these good ideas. Yesterday, I tried a dampened Magic Eraser as recommended in a couple of other threads. It seemed to clean up some light deposits, but would not touch the heavier deposits or whiten up the grout.
  5. M

    Has Anyone Cleaned Their Pool Tiles, and, If So, How?

    I posted this question on the Getting Started Forum, and got more questions than answers. I am hoping to find people who have undertaken the task of cleaning their pool tiles, and not resorting to a soda/bead blasting service. I have seen it recommended here to use 5:1 diluted muriatic acid in...
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    Clean Pole Recommedations Wanted

    Thanks for all the ideas. Very helpful.
  7. M

    Clean Pole Recommedations Wanted

    My extending cleaning pole collapses on itself when I push it along the pool floor during brushing. Anyone have recommendations for a pole that doesn't do this?
  8. M

    Hayward skimmer weir question?

    How does the factory get the door in? It seems like they would have the same problem. By the way, you saved me tons of hassle. I'm going to order the floating weir. :goodjob: