Search results

  1. borjis

    Lathams, Tara or Hydra Liner? Ranking?

    I'd go Latham. It's what I have. They've been around a very long time.
  2. borjis

    Liner Leaking Wall Foam

    Was there at least a foot of water in the shallow end before he began cutting? That's the procedure as far as i know. Hopefully he didn't cut them in earlier than that.
  3. borjis

    Vinyl Replacement Liner

    My old liner lasted 22 years. Unbelievable. But it was rice paper at that point lol. Going on 9 years since it was replaced.
  4. borjis

    Is $5,500 too much for liner replacement?

    Often behind the liner in the shallow side is a serial number, that can be used to cut a new one. Also need the brand. It's that or it gets custom measured for a bit more.
  5. borjis

    Help identifying cause for cracking in new plaster

    Waiting for an expert to chime in but that doesn't seem right and I would not sign any paperwork that it's ok as is.
  6. borjis

    Is my pool light properly bonded?

    That's pretty much impossible for a pump motor that's both grounded & bonded. Canada code has bonding to the sub panel ground.
  7. borjis

    Pool Liner Help

    It makes no difference. A puncture would still happen with either. Not worth the extra in my opinion, when I had it replaced.
  8. borjis

    Filling after resurfacing, water and surface is turning green

    Seems normal. I had to do a major water replacement some years back and it was green like that for about 2-3 days then it was blue, normal.
  9. borjis

    Need guidance on what to do with this catastrophe of a pool! (Pics not for the faint of heart)

    Lol I know the home I own/live in now sat with no offers because the pool was in similar shape, except there was no debris. I was so excited to get it and rehab. But that's very rare in a buyer.
  10. borjis

    Liner replacement issues

    Your liner was probably a tight fit. Mine is too. I have a very small section like that. Not quite pulled out as much. But it's right next to the screws that hold the rope thingy on (to divide the shallow end from the deep end) so it's not a worry since it can't go any further out. Fortunately...
  11. borjis

    How to find the sizes on the installed liner to order a new one for an inground pool?

    Mine was rubbed off and unreadable. Serial numbers are often found on the back side in the shallow end.
  12. borjis

    Inground pool liner stretching

    I had that with my install, only it happened on the shallow side. Same weather conditions on install day. I sent photos to Latham and they said they would honor any warranty issues. It was just stretched a lot. Didn't pop out on filling it. It's amazing how much a new liner can stretch...
  13. borjis

    White Noise Ideas for Pool Build - Barking Dogs

    Ugh I hear you. New neighbors on the other side of my immediate neighbor. They leave the dog out in the backyard and if I go in my backyard and make any noise, the dog hears it and respond. Very annoying. This area was dead silent for years before they moved in.
  14. borjis

    Plaster mottling OK?

    Well at least it's not blue, it would probably look worse. Seeing so many new plaster jobs with bad mottling in blue, I don't think I'd do anything but white, if my pool was plaster.
  15. borjis

    Paint Question 911

    Having owned a pool that was painted by a previous owner, trust me when I say it is not worth it. Everytime you brush, or have guests over the water will slightly cloud up with paint particles. My backwash was always white colored from the paint. Save up for a plaster job.
  16. borjis

    Aquabright info please

    I'm surprised to hear Ecofinish isn't responding. There's a former installer on this forum named BDavis. Maybe send him a pm. See if he can offer any advice.
  17. borjis

    Imagine Illusion 40 Complete 10/19/21

    I'm sure Casey's fence is up to code. The installer would not have used it, if it wasn't.
  18. borjis

    Remodel nightmare

    Ya those angles on the steps are crazy!! Steps are supposed to be flat. Totally unacceptable imo.
  19. borjis

    Square hole in pool shell?

    The open square looks like a temporary relief hole, to let ground water through, so the shell doesn't pop out. Pretty sure.
  20. borjis

    Is pool depth of 7 feet safe?

    I had a good friend and his father try to argue with me about diving being ok, even with my sign on the fence saying otherwise. I told them: "you can tell that to my insurance company." Meanwhile, obey the rule.
  21. borjis

    Is pool depth of 7 feet safe?

    Mine is 7ft deep. When the liner was replaced I was given a fence sign: No Diving.
  22. borjis

    Type of plaster to choose?

    Oops mispost. Mod feel free to delete
  23. borjis

    Question about draining pool before liner replacement

    Could be a big issue. Generally not recommended. Do you have a main drain with a hydrostatic valve? You would want that to be opened, if you have one. Any idea how deep the water table is?
  24. borjis

    14x28 rectangle pool-is it big enough?

    One thing I've noticed, even when a pool looks small, it actually seems bigger, when you're in it.
  25. borjis

    Results two years and two court dates later

    Every skimmer has to be at the same height. Period. I'd make them fix it.
  26. borjis

    Sump well - how often should you drain?

    Does it not have a float switch to pump out water when it reached a certain height? That's what I'd want if I had to have one.
  27. borjis

    Vinyl liner coming out of coping

    Nice. Installers put back all the liner lock pieces in mine and almost the entire liner is locked in. Every first swim day of the year I get in and go around to push back in any that have come out ever slightly. A firm shove with 2 fingers works. It boggles my mind when I see just a few or no...
  28. borjis

    Need some help deciding the depth of the deep end!

    I have that setup. 7ft deep. Had a 9 foot deep diving well previously. I miss it. But the smaller current pool is definitely easier to maintain.
  29. borjis

    OB Northern California (Roseville) Rehab / buried

    Awesome. I miss my solar setup from the last house. If you get 8-10 degree F rise on the return jets on a clear sunny day, your golden. That's how mine worked.
  30. borjis

    OB Northern California (Roseville) Rehab / buried

    This company isn't mentioned often but they make a great panel kit and was one the first companies to offer them. I had these at my first house /pool. They were well out of warranty and still operating rock solid.