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  1. C

    Algae came back again

    You're probably gonna have to suck it up and drain some of that pool. Either that or stick a hose in it running for 24-48 hours to get some fresh water in there. CYA just renders your chlorine ineffective. I learned the hard way as well. As an FYI, I use a combination of pucks and liquid...
  2. C

    Pentair ScreenLogic + Alexa Routines

    I like Alexa, but I dislike how you need to remember the exact special phrase to get something to work. Therefore, I setup some routines that understand my simplistic linguistics (i.e. "Alexa, Hot Tub On"). I am sharing them here with y'all in the event there are other simpletons out there like...
  3. C

    Pentair ScreenLogic + Alexa

    Another side benefit...The Screenlogic system limits you to *I think 12* schedules or custom egg timers (i.e. those that are not set to 12 hours). With Alexa Routines you can offload some of your schedules to Alexa to run instead of programming them in the Screenlogic.
  4. C

    Pentair ScreenLogic + Alexa

    Took the time today to re-setup Alexa and my Screenlogic. I was pretty not happy when they screwed with the app last summer and it didn't work for 6 months. Do yourselves a favor and look into the Alexa Routines. You can now input a custom phrase into a routine, so I setup the ones we use most...
  5. C

    Pentair ScreenLogic Alexa Skill GONE

    I have the same issue...bugger too because this was pretty much how we controlled our pool.
  6. C


    /sigh, I just went through this so you are not alone. I actually emptied 1/3rd and refilled thinking that would do it, but not even close. Drained 1/4 a week later and finally managed to drop my CYA 30 points just to get it under 100. Post back once you get your test results and I'm sure you get...
  7. C

    Burning through Chlorine

    The Woodlands here...I am going through 5 cups a day of 10% and I'm probably gonna have to up it some because it's gone by the afternoon (I am adding the night before and testing in the morning). I get full sun all day as well.
  8. C

    Here is my CYA / Chlorine Story

    Thanks for that information, I don't remember reading that previously. My CYA is still a tad high at 70, TA is 60 and PH was up at 8.1 this afternoon (added acid). Trying not to make too many changes at once, but am definitely making progress.
  9. C

    Here is my CYA / Chlorine Story

    I was using the tabs you are (99% Trichloro), and Calcium Hypochlorite for shock (I only shocked the pool like twice in the first year). I'm currently adding 4-5 cups of LC early evening which is holding my chlorine level fine until about midday the next day when it drops off pretty quick (been...
  10. C

    Here is my CYA / Chlorine Story

    Got my pool last year and was extremely happy with my pool builder (he did an awesome job). Went through pool school and got the "throw pucks in and you'll be fine" method. OK, so he's NOT a chemist. I run trouble free for a year, dumping my pucks in and cursing TFP for making me question (for...
  11. C

    Just fired the pool guy

    Reading through this thread and found it interesting. In the end it may have been quicker / better to just drain 1/2 the pool to bring your Chlorine levels down quicker (probably could have drained and refilled in a day). And, like someone else said, Holy Moly on that 1.5HP pump. Buy a new...