Search results

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    Solar robotic skimmer

    I did a search and did not find this anywhere here, but I ran across this product last night when researching something else. I seem to recall some people asking about solar this or that and skimmer this or that, so I thought I would post the link here. It's a solar robotic skimmer...
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    Educate me, please. Disposable sand filter?

    DD & SIL purchased a 20 year old home with a pool and spa that I am guessing is about the same age as the home. Pool has a Triton sand filter. SIL decided he wanted to change the sand in it. He called the business that serviced the pool equipment for the former owner to find out information...
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    Don't forget to watch for the Perseid meteor showers

    Tonight and especially Sunday night and pre-dawn Monday - should be the peak of the Perseid meteor showers. It should be a good show because it's a new moon. Also, you should be able to see Mars clearly as a red dot. Look to the northeast horizon. Hopefully, it's not cloudy in your area.
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    This is so Arizona

    It's raining in my back yard but not in my front yard.
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    Sub Forums unread posts

    Is there any way that you can get it to darken the subforums - such as the ones under the Regional or under the Coffee Bar, so you know which one has unread posts?
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    Cannot post

    Testing. Cannot seem to post.
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    Problems posting

    I'm trying a new post. I seem to be having problems replying to posts, today. I keep getting the following whenever I submit a reply. General Error Could not insert new word matches DEBUG MODE INSERT INTO troublefreepool_search_wordmatch (post_id, word_id, title_match) SELECT 15918...
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    Proper testing explanations and pics from Taylor Technologie

    I've noticed many people having trouble determining whether they are evaluating tests for CYA correctly among other tests. The Taylor Technologies website has a lot of information on proper techniques and a few demonstrations or pictures. Here is a link to what you should see when you test for...
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    A new product I ran across and thought you might be interest

    I ran across this product while surfing the net and thought some of you might be interested. I have an inground cleaning system which I think helps tremendously with the circulation of my pool. I'm thinking this product could turn any pool return system...
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    Borates - do they lessen over time or just by dilution?

    Do borates eventually decrease because of air, light, etc., or just by dilution? Or is it once you add them, you always have them? Also, what if you go over 50ppm? What effect does it have on your pool?
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    My pool

    Here's a few pics of my pool, yard & patio. The first pic is current. I lost a lot of vegetation from a very rare 2 day freeze we had here, so it looks a bit sad. The rest of the pics were from last year. I just didn't have a good pic of the pool shape from last year, to share. The pool is...
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    Cal Sok Calcium Reducer

    I was in Leslie's today and saw a product called Cal Sok. Inside the bottle is a bag of "stuff" that you put in your skimmer for 24 hours that is supposed to absorb calcium into whatever that "stuff" is. It's supposed to reduce calcium by 200 in 10-15K pool within 24 hours. I can't find...
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    Chem geek chemical calculation spreadsheet?

    I thought I saw a link or download somewhere here for Chem geeks chemical calculation spreadsheet, but I cannot seem to find it even via search. Am I dreaming? Or, would someone kindly point me to it.
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    Wow! I left the forum on a page and came back and changes!

    I was on one page and then left to do something. Came back and changed to a different link and WOW a whole new look. Although - this new change has slowed the navigational scrolling quite a lot. Not thrilled with that.
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    Here's a copy of my modified TF Test Log

    Here you go Duraleigh and anyone else who may find my modified TF Test log, useful. Well, shoot - it didn't let me add a file attachment.
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    What do you think about this? Aquazerve

    I was surfing the net on pool info and came across this. I've never heard of such a thing before and have no personal opinion about it other than it's clever. I wonder what you all think about it. We definately do have a high fill water TDS in Arizona.
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    It's no wonder people have trouble and get confused

    One source says one thing and another source says something totally different. A local pool store stuck one of their dealer Pool Care guides in the bag with my new skimmer net. It's produced by Sun Pool & Spa Products. I was perusing through it while relaxing by the pool this evening. I...
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    How I built my own pool - is an interesting site

    I ran across this site and though perhaps some of you would enjoy it. I sure did. Hope it isn't old info for you. It's a website created by a guy who GC'd his own pool and he tells about his experience and thought process for the decisions he made in desigining and equiping his pool. He had...
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    Received my TF Test Kit

    Received my TF Test Kit yesterday and tried it out tonight. Nice kit. One thing I would suggest. On the chart, it would be nice to at least have the ideal ranges listed next to each row header. I use the downloaded one from your site and edited it to add those. Then I also added other...
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    Question about the Blue Diamond automatic cleaner

    I just received a new Blue Diamond RC cleaner. I will put something in the review section once I've had it a couple of weeks. I know someone on here has one - maybe CarlD? I ran it through one cleaning cycle and I have noticed a couple of problem things. It seems to get caught on my wedding...
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    Correcting high TA, PH OK

    I'm trying to lower my TA from 140 down to below 120 using muriatic acid. So far it seems to be working well. Last night and this morning my TA is 125 today with a ph of 7.2 I added a little more acid this morning and hopefully my TA will then be below 120 by this evening when I get home...
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    How do you use dry shock?

    I know many of you use liquid bleach, but I was surfing around today and found a Q&A site for pool care that had something interesting that I wasn't aware. The resident expert over there said that when you use dry shock, you should not have your filter running. You should broadcast it at night...
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    Something I've always wondered

    I have an IG pool with a drain in the floor and a skimmer in the side wall of the pool. In the bottom of the skimmer (under the skimmer basket and under the other spaceship looking gizmo - which is a technical term), there are 2 holes. One hole I know is the suction to the pump and where I...
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    Robotic pool cleaners

    Hi All! I've been looking at robotic pool cleaners. I have a 26 year old IG concrete pool - don't know if it is plaster or gunnite (How do you tell the difference? - the pool was already here when I purchased the home) I'm interested in the Dolphin Dynamic at Costco online. I've also been...
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    Salt Water Systems - info please

    Hi All! I hope you've had a great weekend. I'm so eager to get in my pool, but we've had a pretty cool spring, here in Arizona, and my pool water is just a tad too chilly for me, just yet. I'm just starting to do some research on converting my chlorine pool to use a salt water system. Do you...