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  1. J

    New TF-100 TA test suspect; 3x old Taylor kit

    Hello folks. First, this is a great site. I feel like I had been seeing only dimly, and now I see fully. And my first TF-100 kit arrived, and I feel like I am in pool care heaven. So thanks all who make this possible. Now here's my stats: CYA 30 FC 5.5 CH 250 TA 200 or 70? pH 8.2 76ºF CSI .87...
  2. J

    cal-hypo cloudiness Ph 8.1

    Summary: I added cal-hypo and it turned cloudy immediately. And the pool is still cloudy 2 days later after the cal-hypo cloudiness dispersed throughout the pool. CL: 3.5 ppm 1 day after adding 48 oz cal-hypo which PoolMath says will raise my FC 7 ppm We've had heavy bather load (dogs ;) CYA...
  3. J

    SLAM question--FC shock level and lower or shock level minimum

    So I read Pool School - SLAM - Shock Level And Maintain and makes sense. My CYA is 35 and I've shocked my pool to 14. I understand that I am consuming CL to clear the pool. I understand that I should check between hourly and semi-daily. Question is, do I want to shock it to 14, check it later...
  4. J

    Taylor 2005 w/o FAS/DPD

    So i'm sure this has been asked like 1000 times and regulars get sick of it. In my first post chem geek told me i have the taylor 2005 kit from leslie's. He said it has everything i need (ie what TF-100 has) EXCEPT the FAS/DPD chlorine which i can buy separately here...
  5. J

    Test CYA in the sun or shade?

    I was testing my CYA today. It's been low all season, and i've been chlorinating with trichlor to raise it. And it's been cloudy a lot, and i'm not needing a lot of trichlor so it's taking a while. Anyway, i am getting close on my CYA. I was testing it, in the shade, under an umbrella, and it...