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  1. S

    What is this called? Where do I get one? How hard to install?

    The grate in the jacuzzi needs replacing.
  2. S

    Rushing water sound

    Hello all, Planned to run pump throughout last week but, alas, not to be. Thawed everything out and fired it up today. All seemed ok except psi is now 18 instead of the usual 11, outlets in pool not quite as strong as pre-freeze, and a water whirring sound in the two gray pipes highlighted in...
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    Pump repair victory!

    Second year running my own pool and truly appreciate this site. I was getting air bubbles coming out of my pipe that pumps water back into the pool below the water line (water return inlet?). This was driving ph up and I figured there had to be an air leak somewhere by this wasn’t happening a...
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    Requesting input on Tweaking water chemistry

    Hello, This is my second year managing our pool on my own. Using TF-100 test kit. Today’s results are as follow: FC. 4.0 CC. 1.0 TA. 70 pH. 7.2 CH. 600 CYA. 40 Water temp. 81 F Have very hard water here and would prefer to manage with higher CH, if possible. Drained half last year but didn’t...
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    Need assistance in tweaking chemistry

    Hi All, This is my first full year of running the pool myself and I have a few questions based on the following numbers: FC. 6 TC. 0.5 TC. 5.5 CH. 500 ( very hard water here in San Antonio, Texas ) TA. 70 pH. 7.5 CYA ( I know I may need to add something here, but not sure what to get...
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    Algae bubble clusters floating on top of water

    Hi All, Have been reading this site voraciously the last week since my pool guy didn't show after I told him the water was turning green. We've had a lot of rain from Harvey. Decided to nip it in the bud before it got out of control. Oh well, You're Fired! Decided I could probably do it myself...