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  1. B

    Where to start now?

    I got lucky and some tropical weather dropped my cya way down to around 10 and ch of 210. I had mustard/black/green algea and I think I managed to nick the mustard and green algae out of the pool Finally. I'm still fussing with the black algae shocking nightly with a mustard dose and a brushing...
  2. B

    Finally a break

    So as some of you might remember me from another thread my pool is finally clean (mostly still battling mustard algae!) The pool place got a much better testing kit taylor counterlab rx-2 and my stabilizer finally came down to 30-40 and currently slamming the water to kill the mustard once and...
  3. B

    Hello from nola

    Not new to taking care of pools...even removing severe algae, with that said I got caught in the chlorine non-swg pool issues everyone was having last year and still have water quality issues. After 4 months of treating, SLAM method, I had clear water and 2 days later it was back to green, turns...