Search results

  1. S

    Is it scale or something else?

    Greetings, all. We just had the pool emptied and acid washed to deal with a yellowish gray scale that started within weeks of first filling the pool. and got worse through the first year despite balanced water values. The acid wash seemed to help a lot, but within 7-10 days, I'm already...
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    Need help rebalancing after an acid wash!

    Hi, all. This is not a very exotic request, but I would greatly appreciate your help. We had our pool put in last year, and within the first month, there was significant scaling. I thought maybe it was all in my head, but when we had our gunite/Pebble sub come out, the guy could see it right...
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    Please tell me I didn't just turn my pool into the Dead Sea II

    I tested the water yesterday. The CYA was low, and the chlorine had dropped from 4 to 1.5 overnight. Today the chlorine was undetectable. The SWG said the salt was low, so I went to the pool store to get salt. I didn't realize there was a salt test, so I didn't have a concentration for him. I...
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    ‘Chemical spill’ in my TF-100 box

    (That should say TF-100.) So my TF-100 box just arrived, but I can see and smell a spilled chemical. Says DPD powder. The top isn’t on the container. Looks more like a black rock than powder. For those who actually know what’s in this kit, is it safe to clean this up. Is the powder still good...
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    Pebble Fina - raves or regrets?

    Greetings, TFPers. We were ready to move forward with a Bella Blue Pebble Fina upgrade over the weekend, but when we went to see the finish in person, the pool owner told us she wouldn't recommend the finish. She said her PB had tried steering her away from it, and one year into the pool she was...
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    Pictures of Pebble Fina Bella Blue or Cielo Blue??

    If you have pics of either color (with or without extra Shimmering Sea), I'd really love to see it. Much appreciated!
  7. S

    Lunada Bay glass tile

    Greetings, TFPers. Has anyone out there used Lunada Bay glass tiles for your pool or spa? I'm considering tile from this company and would greatly appreciate any feedback about its performance for this kind of application. Thanks!
  8. S

    Let the wild rumpus start! (new Houston build underway)

    After nearly two years of hemming and hawing, we've signed a contract and the pool build is underway. Hurray! Just in time for hurricane season. :shock: For the moment, I choose to ignore the city inspector's dire warnings about getting the gunite done before the weeklong downpour that is...
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    Structural questions about excavation and gunite

    We are attempting to finalize our permit with the city but need some feedback on building close to house/fence and piers. The excavation will be be within five feet of house and side fence. With our small lots, that’s a given, and it’s done regularly here in Houston. The city will likely...
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    elevation and grading question

    We are in the design phase of a possible OB pool project. In the event that we go this route, I will be handling city permitting. One section of the permit deals with grading. While our intention is to find solid subs who know what they're doing, I feel like I could use more knowledge about pool...
  11. S

    design phase of Houston OB

    Greetings, all. This weekend I signed up for a Pool Studio account, which means we are officially one step closer to making this pool thing happen. My husband and I initially planned to go the easy route and have a fiberglass model installed, but we haven't had any luck finding a smaller...
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    seeking input on spa design

    We're in the early stages of designing a pool for a small yard. Initially, we had no plans for a spa, figuring it would take up space and add to budget. Now we're reconsidering. I would love some input. Separate, adjacent to, or in? My husband likes the idea of a spa that is separate from the...
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    To DIY or not to DIY in Houston. That is the question.

    Greetings, fellow TFPers. My husband and I decided to put in a pool. Actually, we thought we'd be swimming in it by now. (Cue maniacal laughter.) We started out by looking at fiberglass last fall. The price point (upper 20s to low 30s) was really appealing, as was the low maintenance...
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    Exercise Equipment for Pools

    Greetings, all. I would really like to get some feedback on people's experience with exercise-related options for pools. We want to install a pool that is approximately 13' x 26' (give or take) and are looking at both fiberglass and gunite. While we like the idea of having a pool to relax...