Search results

  1. sueasinsue

    battery powered pool vacuums-recommendations?

    So I am thinking about buying one of the lithium battery powered pool vacuums, my pool isn't huge 15x26 and 52 inches deep, above ground oval pool. I was looking for reviews or recommendations on any specific models? Two things that concern me, the size of the waste bag seems very small so I am...
  2. sueasinsue

    High chlorine-cloudy water

    Hi! My pool has been sparkling clean all summer, I cleaned it last weekend (vacuumed and cleaned cartridge filter) the next day the pool was cloudy....I decided to use the boost feature on the salt generator, which raised the chlorine to 13. After the boost it still looked dull, better but dull...
  3. sueasinsue

    Can someone recommend a good place to purchase a new winter cover for an oval above ground pool?

    I would like to make the purcahse online if possible but there are so many places to choose from, plus I see some reviews are bad, some people say "don't buy this voer"...amy recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
  4. sueasinsue

    Salt cell and warm temperatures

    Hi-My pool is 15 x 26 and 54 inches deep, the weather has been extremly hot and getting hotter so my water temperature is 87! Should I turn off my salt cell if it gets any warmer? i couldn't find any info in the owners manual about running it when the water gets too warm?
  5. sueasinsue

    Autopilot-question about chlorine production just keeps going up

    Hi-I have an autopilot Aquacal Digital nano it is five years old, when I opened my pool the FC was zero, I ran the digital nano at 50% (purifier) for chlorine production. 24 hours later I see that it bumped up to 67%, I know the digital nano is supposed to increase chlorine production if it...
  6. sueasinsue

    Salt calibrating

    Hi-I have a salt pool Aquacal digital nano, and I always feel lost when it comes to "calibrating" the salt, what exactly does that mean? My owners manual says the salt should be calibrated at 3000-3400, but last year was the first time I had a trouble keeping it that high (it kept dropping to...
  7. sueasinsue

    adding salt

    Hi-I opened my pool and now I need to add the salt, when I add the salt I was then going to put the solar blanket on but I was wondering if I need to wait? Should I leave the blanket off for a day or two? Does it matter? Also should I turn the salt cell on immediately following the addition of...
  8. sueasinsue

    error message-check flow

    Hi everyone, having an issue with my salt generator, its an autopilot digital nano, 3 years old. Three days ago I saw an error message low amps, I checked my manual troubleshooting and did what it said. I shut it off, unplugged everything plugged it back in, turned it on, no error message. Last...
  9. sueasinsue

    fall cover-algae?

    I slammed my pool two weeks ago because of reoccurring algae (rainy summer here in the NE) on Labor day I removed the stairs and vacuumed the entire pool. I put the leaf screen on because the weather turned bad and didn't have time to put the fall cover on that day. I also did a test and all my...
  10. sueasinsue

    solar blanket rollers

    I would like to purchase a solar blanket roller for my above ground pool, does any one have recommendations? My pool is above ground oval 15 x 26. Thank you in advance!
  11. sueasinsue

    Cya -low???

    So the NE has been getting too much rain, in between thunderstorms today I dragged the hubby outside to vacuum the pool, it was looking cloudy to me. The water level was above the skimmer basket and there were a lot of leaves and debris in the bottom (just vacuumed it 4 days ago). I noticed a...
  12. sueasinsue

    weight to hold ladder

    Last year I used a 50lb bag of sand in a giant ziploc bag to hold my ladder in place. Getting that in and out of the pool was very hard for me, plus the bag broke open, blah...I was wondering if it would be ok to use 2 20lb dumb bells, the plastic ones? I saw a thread about making weights using...
  13. sueasinsue

    newbie pool opening

    I bought my pool last year-found this forum and I have been happy ever since! Closed the pool myself in the fall and followed TFP directions, all levels tested perfect, the pool has been crystal clear all winter. In December I removed the winter cover due to the amount of water that was pooling...
  14. sueasinsue

    polyquat algaecide? Closing a pool question

    I read the article on closing an above ground pool, however I have two questions. Is there a specific polyquat algaecide I should buy? Should I buy that at a pool store? I have seen these chemical kits on line for closing a salt water pool, is that the same thing? Second question, the digital...
  15. sueasinsue

    muiatic acid

    I went into pool math to figure out how much acid to add to lower TA, but I am not sure how this works. According to the pool gallons of water I have about 11,700 gallons of water. My TA is 170. I clicked on the calculation for 5 ounces and it says it will bring it down .8? Is that what I am...
  16. sueasinsue

    SWG newbie-salt questions

    How often does your salt pool ask for salt? Weekly? Monthly? This morning my nano-machine was asking for 52lbs of salt and a warning light was going off. The last time this happened I ended up with low CYA and had to add stabilizer for a few days which was the reasoning behind it asking for...
  17. sueasinsue

    Just got my test kit, now what do I do? new pool owner...

    Ok I had some issues with stabilizer so my TC kit came Saturday evening, I tested the water yesterday- FC 5 CC 1.5 Calcium Hardiness 300PPM TA 110 CYA 30 I added stabilizer (2 lbs) on July 29th waited three days then checked it and it was still low. I added another 1 lb. on Sunday July 31st...
  18. sueasinsue

    newbie salt pool owner-stabilizer problem

    I have been testing my salt pool water weekly with no problems, after shocking (boost) it last week the nano- machine said to add salt, which I did, the next day, the light on my salt machine was blinking warning add salt, I did, tested the water and the stabilizer was low and the free chlorine...