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  1. F

    Multiport and bubbles

    Every time I switch the setting on my multiport - say to drain or backwash, and then back to filter, there are bubbles coming out of the jets for maybe the first 20 or so seconds. Is this a normal part of it or is it something I should be investigating?
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    When to test after adding fresh water?

    After replacing some water to drop CYA, how long should you wait to test for it all to swirl together with the old stuff? I read some threads on here about CYA popping back up after replacing water, even in the absence of tabs and stabilizers. Should I test at a certain point and then test...
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    Replace the power cord on Doheny’s Discovery?

    After five years of pool water and texas sun, my cord is starting to disintegrate. It looks like a replacement cord does exist, but I can’t find any info on how to change it out. Can anyone point me to a resource? Thanks!
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    Considering a salt system in Austin, Texas

    Hi guys. I'm considering transitioning to a salt system, but I'm not sure I fully understand what it would look like for me. Can anyone with experience using a salt system in a warm climate like Austin/Central Texas help me understand what the reality of them would be here? I read that in...
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    Why is my pool devouring acid??

    In the last month or two, my pool has required so much more acid that ever before. I don't understand what could be causing it. I hardly run the water feature at all, maybe 1 or 2 times in the last 2 months, the bather load has actually been lighter than usual. It's hot, like 90s - 100s, but...
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    TA dropped?

    Hi all, We had a huge rainstorm a few weeks back which added several inches to the pool. It's eventually evaporated in our 100+ degree days. However, after the storm dumped all that rainwater into my pool, my pH shot up and has harder to maintain than typical. Testing revealed my TA somehow...
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    CH test that never turns blue

    Hi all, FC - 4 (will add more in a bit) CC - 0 CYA - 40 pH 7.8 (just added acid) TA - 60 CH - a mystery I have had the hardest time measuring CH since getting my pool a year ago. Specifically for my trouble with this test, I purchased the magnetic stirrer. Testing using that, my sample...
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    White haze on glass waterline tile

    Hello guys! I have a very light film of white haze on the waterline tile. I swear it just appeared last weekend after I had a gaggle of swimmers LOAD UP on sunscreen lotion and jump right in, but I do live in an area with hard water, so high CH is part of life and it could certainly have...
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    Gray film on water surface in skimmer baskets

    My pool has been open all winter and the water has been consistently crystal clear. I've been testing my water and had no weird number at any time. Chlorine levels have been maintained all winter. In the last month or two, the surface of the water only in the skimmer basket has gray film...
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    Baking Soda for TA

    Hi all! The total alkalinity never really rose in my pool since my build this spring. It's stayed at about 50. My pool water creeps alkaline and I have to add acid maybe two or three times a week. Will adding baking soda to bring up the TA help stabilize the pH? Should I drop pH before...
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    What would cause CH to rise?

    My pool was completed a few months ago and CH had settled at about 400. I'm not using cal-hypo at all and my water level is still slowly coming back down after Harvey so all that's been added is rainwater, no tap water from the auto fill. Since last week, all I've added is bleach and muriatic...
  12. F

    Post-Harvey numbers - do these make sense?

    Since I'm in Austin, I didn't get anywhere near what Houston did, but I did end up with a ton of rain water and debris in my pool. The water hit the top of the coping stones when the rain started slowing down enough for the overflow drain to manage the level. The water is still a good 2"...
  13. F

    White haze on waterline tile

    Hiya! My waterline tile has a dull film on it lately. It won't show up on pictures because it's not exactly white, it's just a dull film on the surface of the glass tiles. I've read through the threads that talk about calcium scale and it looks like there isn't much to do about it aside...
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    PVC fountain in Polaris port

    With the hot weather, I attempted to cool off the pool water using a PVC fountain that screws into the Polaris port. Eh, can't say it really did anything for the water temperature, but kids sure love playing in it. I tried to unscrew it from the port today and I can't even get it to budge. It...
  15. F

    Suction after adding DE

    I just backwashed my filter and added DE in the skimmer basket. That particular basket usually pulls the water strongly, but after adding DE, it currently isn't. The filter is at 13 PSI. I actually never paid any attention to where it usually is though so I can't say if that's unusual for it...
  16. F

    Preparing for a pool party

    I have a pool party coming up this weekend. I see a lot of comments about raising the FC beforehand. With a CYA of 50, what would you raise the FC to and how far in advance would you raise it? Anything else I should do to prep the pool for the party?
  17. F

    Where the heck does my chlorine go??

    Yesterday I measured my FC at 4ppm. My CYA is 50 (albeit I'm new to this disappearing dot test). I added liquid chlorine to get me to 7ppm last night around 6:00pm and when I checked my chlorine just now, it was at 3ppm. Bah! I checked for CC and it was 0. The pool water is at 90, but is...
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    CYA testing

    I'm testing my CYA using the black dot test, waist height, outdoor with the sun to my back, same time of day (late morning). I follow the fill guidelines, shake, wait 30 seconds, shake again. When I do this, I shouldn't see the dot at all anymore for me to declare a CYA number, right? The...
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    What are the first signs something is wrong?

    I'm still very new to pool chemistry. My pool looks crystal clear, but I'm worried I won't recognize the earliest signs of a problem and will wake up one morning to a swamp in my backyard. I check chlorine daily using the FAS-DPD test and I check for combined chlorine and pH a few times a...
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    Dry Acid

    Does dry acid vary somewhat in its strength? I used the pool school calculator to determine how much dry acid I needed to bring my pool down from 8.0 to 7.5. I used a scale to measure by weight, added it to the pool last night, and measured my pH again today. It looks to be about 7.2. Is it...
  21. F

    Chlorine for a pool party?

    I tested my FC this morning and found it was at 2.5, which is too low for my current CYA of 40. It's blazing hot out and the sun is shining right into my 87 degree pool. I added 52 oz of 8.25% bleach to the water which should get my FC to a 5. I'm having some swimmers over this afternoon...
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    Buying liquid chlorine

    I went looking for liquid chlorine today to see if I could get the higher concentration than in regular bleach. Both Lowe's and Home Depot store their liquid chlorine in the garden center. It's under the shaded canopy, but our temperatures have been in the 90s for a while now. The freshest...
  23. F

    How to calculate a pump's electricity usage?

    I just got my first electric bill after the pool was installed. In June 2016 I used 1100 KWH and in June 2017 I used 1700 KWH. I verified there was no significant increase in outdoor temperature from last year to this year and I also replaced my very vintage AC with a 16 SEER unit somewhere in...
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    CYA for a full sun pool in a warm climate

    My pool is in fuuuuuuullll sun in Central Texas where the highs this week range from 98-100. My pool water hit its new high of 90 degrees today. I see some of you in warmer areas keep your CYA above than the 30-50ppm recommended for a plaster pool (I assume that means pebbletec too) when...
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    Robot recommendations?

    Wow I hate brushing and vacuuming. If I can really get a robot that will replace that task, I'm toooooootally on board. I have a 30x14 rectangular pebble pool. No sun shelf, just stairs and a bench for seating. I don't mind spending more up front *if* it'll get me a better clean and longer...
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    Running the pump at night?

    My pool has been up and running for a few weeks. Our high today is 98 and that's not at all unusual for us. My water temperature is very pleasant right now, around 87, but it started out at like 82 and I worry it'll continue to creep up. If the pool water gets too warm for our liking - I have...
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    How often do you do manual pool vacuuming if you have a polaris running daily? Is it as needed or is it better to stick to a schedule like weekly?
  28. F

    Help with TF-100 results

    As of about 3 weeks ago, my new gunite pool was filled with water. The pool company had a guy come out and manage the chemicals for two weeks, and then provide me a "pool school", but now I am on my own with water chemistry. I got the TF-100 test kit and I'm rather confused about my results...
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    Maintaining comfortable water temperature

    Hello again! Another question. Living in Austin, we have a pretty decent swim season. I'd like to extend it as long as possible, but even more importantly, I'd like to keep the pool from becoming a giant hot tub in July and August. I've read through some posts that suggest water features and...
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    Choosing a sanitizing method

    Hi all, I'm in the final stages of choosing a pool. I think I've narrowed down the builder, but not the sanitizing system. I'm looking at about a 15000 gallon pool in Austin, Texas and it'll sit pretty much in full sun. Of the three builders I met with, one was pushing salt, another...