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  1. S

    Bleach and chlorine levels

    Checking out the cost of buying bleach in Austin, Texas. I am SLAMing pool and I wish I had done this yesterday morning:( I bought 8 bottles of 12% chlorine from Leslies and it cost me $68+tax. If I'd bought them from walmart $45.60 +tax. Even though I would have needed a bit more bleach the...
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    SLAMing very cloudy water - any hints or tips?

    Had to get repairs to pool pump and a leak.... pool went horribly green. :-( I've started the SLAM and now its cloudy and blue. Very, very cloudy. I keep backwashing the DE filter but it only takes 1 hour to get it clogged up again. Any ideas? Just keep up with the backwashing? Take out the...
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    Set up spillover

    Hi I'm trying to set up spillover mode on my Jandy Aqualink RS4. Currently the spa runs once a day but just recycles the water from the spa to the filter and back to the spa (normal spa mode) I'd like spillover set to run 2x a day to keep the water in both at the same FC/PH. I've been reading...
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    leaking multi-port valve

    I have a leak around one of the screws on the valve and it's always the same place. It's not leaking anywhere else. I've changed the spider gasket and the O ring on the cover but nothing changed and when I unscrew the top it is obviously sealed as I can hear the seal breaking. Since the water...
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    Pool Leak

    I also have a leak - not a big one like the OP but losing about 1 inch in my 26K pool every other day. I think it was probably going on during the summer but it was really hot here and I put it down to evaporation. I had noticed the following: that the pool took forever to prime but put this...
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    Polaris pressure relief valve problem - too much water pressure?

    All was going well chez surfbabe..... then the polaris 280 pressure relief valve on the poolside quick disconnect 'popped off". I'm not sure but maybe the polaris was a bit slow beforehand but nothing out of the ordinary. Now, I've replaced the pressure relief valve and noticed that water is...
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    polaris 280 back up valve broken

    it's non-stop part failure this year for me! the polaris 280 back up valve has cracked open. I've been looking online to get the replacement and it appears there are 2 choices. A G52 and a G54. One is just the case and retails anywhere from $16 to $33, the other is a backup valve kit and...
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    aqualink RS$ "air sensor shorted"

    The Aqualink is showing the message "air sensor shorted". I suspect that there is more going on than this - I had to switch the outdoor unit to service mode - the aqualink would not turn off the pump as it gave me the message that it needed the freeze protect. I've read through the trouble...
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    figuring out replacement VS pump requirements

    I would like to replace my single speed for a VS pump. After reading a few posts it seems that my current 2HP one may be oversized for the pool. Or is it? I also have a spa and the filter system for that is run from the same pump. My head is starting to spin after reading about needing to...
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    optimal cya level?

    I'm just SLAMming my pool again. Upon testing the water the cya was too low to be read using the r0013. I added more cya and it is now at 30ppm. First night of testing, I got through about 5ppm of FC, last night 2.5ppm. However, during the day it has been dropping unbelievably quickly...
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    FC overnight loss of 5ppm but no CC

    Hi Guys, I've been posting in another thread but I think I will re-post here from now on since the old thread title is no longer appropriate. does R0013 go off? I'm SLAMming the pool I've just tested for overnight loss and it's 5ppm. Still no CC though. The amount of CYA in the pool is still...
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    Chlorine being used up but not showing CC

    I'm just SLAMming the pool. CYA tested at less than 30ppm (it was perfectly clear) and so I added about 14ppm bleach. After the first hour, there was a small reduction in FC and CC was .5. An hour later, FC was at 12ppm but no CC showing Added more bleach about 4ppm Now, 2 hours showing...
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    spa water refill or slam?

    Hi everyone, my filter was out of action for a week and now I need to SLAM the pool anyway. The spa is also yeuch. I was thinking I would just empty the spa water, clean everything up ( with what?) clean out some of the blowers/returns that don't seem to have the same pressure as the others...
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    does R0013 go off?

    Hi Guys, just getting ready to slam the pool now that the pump is working again.. I tested the CYA for the first time this year and it's not going cloudy at all. Last time I measured cya was early winter and got 55ppm. The chemical has been stored inside in the dry/dark and I'm now...
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    tile repair

    HI eweryone, I'm about to refill my spa with fresh water and thought I would do some tile repair whilst it was empty. I have a couple of small tile pieces that have come off, exposing the mortar (?) underneath. Any ideas of how to go about this? thnks Karen
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    jandy valve actuator not opening valves....??

    Honestly, I go away on vacation for 1 week and that's when the problem happens!! ARGHH!!! The water from the pool is not being filtered, the pump is working but it's only taking the water from the spa. I have watched the 2 jandy valve actuators move when I change it from spa to filter and...
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    cleaned out de filter but......

    I followed the tutorial on here for cleaning the DE Filter - all the way through... put the fresh DE into water and poured into skimmer. It has returned to the pool - pool water is now cloudy. I don't even know where to start to figure this out. It has been the most horrible job, it's taken...
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    reduced flow?

    So, I went on vacation and left the teens in charge of the pool . All went well! or so I thought. I came home to a beautiful clean blue pool appropriately dosed with bleach and pH fine. They had been doing that bit just fine. There had been a heavy rainstorm, leaves fell off trees but...
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    do I need a separate booster pump?

    Hi All, my current pump set up is that I have a single speed motor for main filtration and a booster pump to use for the polaris cleaner. I'd really like to switch to a VS pump and my question is do I still need to use a booster pump or can I have that running from the VS pump? thanks!
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    poor water flow

    A few months ago, I posted about helping out some Italian neighbours with their SWG and pool . They are now on vacation in Italy (lucky!!!) and I got a phone call the other day from another neighbour who is looking after their house because she thought the pool water level was too low. I went...
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    should I add cya??

    sacrilege I know but... here in Austin the daytime temperature is getting to mid-nineties every day and I'm adding a lot of bleach - 3/4 of a gallon a day. This is going to cost me about $85 to maintain target fc of 5ppm. The water looks perfect, there is no CC and no overnight fc loss so I...
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    salt level and jandy aquapure

    Just a quickie guys. The manual says 4000ppm salt. The SWG chemical balance in the sticky says 3200ppm. Should I go with the levels recommended in the manual?
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    black algae

    Ok, so another neighbour had asked me to take a look at his SWG pool based on the other neighbours chatting..... this guy has black algae spots in corners of the steps and in the grout of the tiles. He had replaced his salt cell back in January. today's reading were: FC 2.5 CC 0 CH 500 TA 70...
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    SLAMing a SWG pool

    My new neighbours have inherited a SWG and have not much idea of how to manage things. I have converted my own pool over to BBB thanks to you guys and have no problems at all. Anyway, they have gladly taken me up on my offer of help since their pool is turquoise right now.. I took these...
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    new polaris booster pump or robot?

    Hi Guys, the title says it all really. The booster pump motor (ao smith 3/4 hp motor) has stopped working. We thought it was probably the bearings but after trying to repair it, the screws sheared off and we were unable to remove them where they had rusted into the casing. $200ish for a...
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    Starting TFPC

    Hello guys, my first post here... I am just starting to take over the care of our pool - all this past summer we have had problems with keeping pool algae-free. We have a Pentair chlorinator which OH thinks needs to be replaced. Having read the BBB advice, I don't think we want to go this...