aqualink RS$ "air sensor shorted"

Sep 23, 2015
The Aqualink is showing the message "air sensor shorted".

I suspect that there is more going on than this - I had to switch the outdoor unit to service mode - the aqualink would not turn off the pump as it gave me the message that it needed the freeze protect.

I've read through the trouble shooting manual and I've now got a headache! Could one of you lovely people just walk me through the steps to figure out what is going on please?

thank you

I know nothing about your particular system, but I would suggest the first thing you should do is disconnect the two wires that are coming from the air temperature sensor and see if the problem goes away.

If it does. then I would suspect that a new temperature sensor would put you back into business..


Jim R.

I know nothing about your particular system, but I would suggest the first thing you should do is disconnect the two wires that are coming from the air temperature sensor and see if the problem goes away.

If it does. then I would suspect that a new temperature sensor would put you back into business..


Jim R.

I don't understand how this will help me figure out the problem. If I disconnect the wires I won't get any readings right? How does this tell me if the air sensor is the problem? I read elsewhere about swapping the air and water wires around on the relay. Should I try this?
If the sensor is actually shorted, when you remove the sensor the "short" error should go away. It won't fix anything, it will just tell you the sensor is bad.

Swapping the air and water sensor will do basically the same thing.

My sensors are all one piece so the only place to disconnect them is at the PCB/Circuit Card.

Jim R.
Thank you Jim.

I disconnected the wires for the air sensor.
Now I am getting a few messages -

"air sensor open"
"pool temp 0 degrees" (celsius) This went up from an initial reading of -1degree (C). I use Celsius because I'm European but this 0 C is freezing point.

What do I need to do next? Wait to see if pool (water) temp goes up on it's own? Disconnect? ETA pool temp is going up, even whilst I wrote this it's gone to 1 degree C

So, the water temperature sensor is faulty too? It's telling me that the water temp is now at 2C which is not right. It's probably about 22 degrees C.

If I disconnect the water temp sensors too, I'm assuming this will mean that freeze protect is no longer on? Not an issue in Texas in May.....

Will it do any harm to have both disconnected?

Does this mean that there is a problem with the relays?

Since the initial problem was a "shorted" air sensor and when you removed the sensor the problem changed to an "open" sensor, to me that means the sensor is bad. The fact that your equipment can tell the difference between a "short" and an "open", means the electronics is working..

I would buy a new sensor.

I suspect that the water temp is not working just because the air temp is disconnected.

Depending on the cost of a sensor, I'd buy two of them, and replace both the air and water sensors.


Jim R.
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