TA always high


Apr 29, 2024
Pool Size
Hi everyone, I’m new here. We have had our pool about a year. It’s a 7,600 gallon fiberglass in ground pool. Our TA numbers have always been a little high, even last year. My pH is at 7.4 but my TA is at 220. I’ve put pH down in the pool to lower TA and it really does nothing, lowers it by a bit but then goes right back up. How important is it to lower my TA if my pH is in a good range?
FC 4
CYA 40
Hey D and Welcome!!!

How are you testing ?

What is the TA of your fill water ?
So I have my Taylor test kit coming in the mail.
I’ve been using strips, and I put in a water guru last week. We also take to the pool store but their numbers always seem way off.
So the numbers I gave are based off of my water guru.
I’m not sure the TA of my fill water. Would I just put some in a bucket and test it??

Sorry, I am so new to all this and new to the TFP way.