Simple Scoop by Pool Day

We are buying a house with a pool this Friday, I am a brand new in ground pool owner. I came across this website Simple scoop this is a product that advertises to replace all other chemicals other than sanitizer- Algaecide, oxidizer, clarifier, pH balancer, alkalinity balancer, and stain & scale inhibitor.
Does anyone have any experience with this product?
Does anyone have any experience with this product?
First I've heard of it but I can promise they all have copper staining if they didn't abandon it quickly.


The rashes from being unsanitary may have convinced them before the stains showed up.

We'll teach you the safe, easy, and dirt cheap way. Any magic potions are all hat with no rabbit. And many have a black mamba in there when you reach you hand in the hat.

Pool Care Basics
Test Kits Compared
FC/CYA Levels
How Clear is TFP Clear?

All magic, but no rabbit.. :mrgreen:

You don't; normally need Algaecide, oxidizer, clarifier, Alkalinity balancer, etc...

You should read though our Pool School and find out what chemicals pools actually need..


Jim R.
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The irony of all these algae control products are if you use them, and forgo the chlorine like they say, then you need the algae control products. Unless any of them deploy a tent over the pool, your battle is with the sun.

It burns off up to 4 ppm FC daily, maybe even 5 in TX, and you need to replace it daily plus some wiggle room in order to be sanitary. Algae while harmless is the canary in the coal mine and if it can grow, so can the bacteria, viruses and pathogens that are the real concern. If you're sanitary in the first place, BOOM, no algae.
We are buying a house with a pool this Friday, I am a brand new in ground pool owner. I came across this website Simple scoop this is a product that advertises to replace all other chemicals other than sanitizer- Algaecide, oxidizer, clarifier, pH balancer, alkalinity balancer, and stain & scale inhibitor.
Does anyone have any experience with this product?

I was in the same position not too long ago. You'll do great if you make TFP your sole source of pool information. Read my words now, believe them later.

You'll rarely need anything other than liquid chlorine (like unadulterated bleach), muriatic acid, cyanuric acid, calcium chloride, baking soda, and boric acid (or borax).

Check the cyanuric acid right away. If they've been using chlorine pucks, you'll most likely have to do a partial drain and refill because the cyanuric acid will be too high. Better to do that before you dump time, effort, and chemicals into trying to balance unsalvageable water.
We are buying a house with a pool this Friday, I am a brand new in ground pool owner. I came across this website Simple scoop this is a product that advertises to replace all other chemicals other than sanitizer- Algaecide, oxidizer, clarifier, pH balancer, alkalinity balancer, and stain & scale inhibitor.
Does anyone have any experience with this product?
Stay far away from it.
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