Dilemma regarding heat pump placement


Apr 2, 2024
Riga, Latvia
Hi everyone!
I would like to add heat pump to my indoor pool and have a dilemma on its placement, thus would like to get your view, what to consider and I might be missing.
As illustrated in drawing below: either to go route A placing it in the open shed, more work, not perfect airflow, but easier to maintain and probably less RPM needed for my variable speed pump.
Or B route running pipes directly through wall at ceiling level, shorter distance, but increased pumping height by 2.6m/8.5ft and harder to maintain. We have freezing temps during Nov-Feb, thus winterization is important - at that height I would need to figure how to do it from inside, was looking at solar panel systems using pressure relief valve to auto drain once pump shuts off.
What are your thoughts?

Welcome to TFP.

I vote for B. The HP will operate more efficiently outdoors.

Install a Heater Bypass - Further Reading and valves to be able to bypass, drain, and winterize the heater in the winter.

I think you will need to winterize the heat pump even if it was in the shed.
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Many thanks for the welcome & response!
Yes I assumed bypass in both scenarios, just in the external wall option which also you voted for I emphasized it due to fact it should be indoors next to filter as it would be challenging to access heat pump that high.

Will read more on link you provided, I have a bit concerns if it will drain completely as have also read that ball valves might leak a bit inside the unit. There came though of auto drain using pressure relief valve, similarly to irrigation systems..
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