Dig day july 20th


Silver Supporter
Apr 26, 2018
El Paso, TX
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-40
Dig day is finally here. Been lurking on this forum for years. Thanks to everyone that has helped me along the way. I hope my signature has all my details. Did I post the picture correctly?20230718_092533.jpg
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Did I post the picture correctly?
Not quite. Attach it however you did and there will be a thumbnail at the bottom of the still open post. Click 'insert" on the attachment pic, and then full image and it will post the full picture to the post. (y)
Not quite. Attach it however you did and there will be a thumbnail at the bottom of the still open post. Click 'insert" on the attachment pic, and then full image and it will post the full picture to the post. (y)
Thanks I will remember that for future pics of which there will be many.
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Not quite. Attach it however you did and there will be a thumbnail at the bottom of the still open post. Click 'insert" on the attachment pic, and then full image and it will post the full picture to the post. (y)
Can I attach multiple pics to the same post ? I tried to attach two pics the first time not using your steps and it said files too large. I deleted one pic and it posted. I use my Samsung phone to take the pics. Is there a certain setting I should use to make the posting of pics easier?

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Can I attach multiple pics to the same post ?
Yes. I think the limit is 10.
tried to attach two pics the first time not using your steps and it said files too large.
Many phones need to be taken off HDR, or the photos resized.

When my Samsung pics are too large, I screenshot it, photo edit it to cut everything but the picture out and then upload the screenshot.
Yes the worse part is waiting on New Mexico inspectors to sign off on the project and continue to the next step. They had the paperwork for seven weeks before they gave us the go ahead.
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Day 6, had to move the pool a few feet because bobcat didn't have enough room on the other side. Got too close to the patio which we want to keep. The ground is mostly sand making the dirt not too stable. Lost some dirt on the wall closest to house. Worried about the patio collapsing. They will put a tarp over it in case of rain. Reason why pool is close to the house is to take advantage of the shade the house will give later in the day and we like the concrete deck to be up against the wall of the house. Will feel better once concrete is poured. Electric and plumbing coming soon.
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Good start! Kind of scary I am sure with the loose dirt.

I do have a concern as there are no "chairs" or lifts under the steel on the bottom of the pool. The steel should be raised a bit so it is fully encased by the shell. I also wonder about the amount of space between the walls and steel as they same thing needs to happen there also.
Good start! Kind of scary I am sure with the loose dirt.

I do have a concern as there are no "chairs" or lifts under the steel on the bottom of the pool. The steel should be raised a bit so it is fully encased by the shell. I also wonder about the amount of space between the walls and steel as they same thing needs to happen there also.
Thanks for the advice. I think these next pics are what you are talking about for the bottom. I do not see any yet for the space between the walls and steel. I will make sure they use them.

Day 7
they put tarp on the wall closest to the house no tarp yet on patio. I will ask why.

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