Passed OCLT, but can't get cloudy water clear?


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Jul 18, 2019
Cleveland, OH
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-60
Looking for some advice hear. I finally got my system up and running after a month and half. I always assumed I couldn't get TFP clear water because I was just running a robot and no pump/filter. Well, after starting up the equipment I just can't get my water clear. It appears as there was probably an algae problem but that didn't make sense to me because I kept the chemicals in line with TFP recommendations. I passed the OCLT: was FC 8 last night and 8 this morning. Also, I have have always had 0 or 0.5 CC (only 0.5 because I figured err on the side of caution and say 0.5 even though it didn't look like the water changed). Do I need to SLAM even if I have passed the OCLT?

I am getting the adapter and line this morning so I can run a backwash on my filter since that hasn't been done yet. Obviously I will backwash this morning and hoping that helps clear up the pool. Also, I think air is getting into the system somewhere. I bleed air out of the filter but somehow an air pocket keeps getting in there and bubbles occasionally come out of the returns even with the SWG off.

Will post a pic when it's light, but my biggest concern, do I need to do a SLAM even though all indications are I don't have algae other than a cloudy pool. Thoughts?
Right now, it doesn't appear you have a live algae problem since you're passing the OCLT, but it does appear your need more consistent filtration. If you haven't been using the filter much, now is the time. Backwashing might help rejuvenate the filtration as well. Dead algae, if that's what the suspended material is, can take a while. Let the filter PSI increase by a good 25% before you backwash.

The air in your system is a separate issue, so let's focus on the water clarity here first. As long as your pump isn't losing prime and running dry you should be fine.
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Your filter has ALOT of catching up to do.

It took me about 3 weeks after the grass grew to get the water polished. For the 6 weeks the grass grew, the filter was running and helping. Plus the 2 weeks to install the patio and the month of a 1/2 acre of blowing dirt before that.

And while the filter is trying to catch up, it's now pollen season. So yeah. Give it a minute. :)

Add DE to speed it along. Your filter works better when dirty (to a point) because the crud in it traps even finer crud. Adding DE fast forwards the clean filter to the part it's really efficient. Pay attention to it afterwards because backwashes will be needed much sooner.
Got it, thanks guys. Of course, I go to take pictures and my phone dies! Will get some once battery is charged enough.

The water was pretty clear until I added the sand for the SWG and then turned the pump on for the first time. Can I turn the SWG back on?

As for using the filter much, it hasn't been used at all. Due to various reasons in my build thread, 2 days ago is the first time any of my equipment has been on. The robot is the only filtration the pool has had since October. I thought it was doing a pretty good job, apparently not! In regards to the PSI, I am running the pump at 1500 RPM, assuming I should boost that? However, PSI is consistently at 6 PSI and it doesn't seem like there's much of a vortex in either of the two skimmers.

Also, will the backwash still work properly if there's air in the filter? Obviously, I'll bleed it right before I do it but the air gets back in there pretty quick.
On another note, pool guys...the retired PB who helped build my pool, want he got here because I wanted him here when we turned on all the equipment for the first time, as soon as he looked at the pool, he said you need to shock the pool. I said all the chemicals are good. He said "I don't care what the chemicals say." Good 'ole eye test,' regardless of chemical levels!
As for using the filter much, it hasn't been used at all.
Exactly. It's not going to magically clear months and months of missed filtering in 2 days. :)
The water was pretty clear until I added the sand for the SWG and then turned the pump on for the first time. Can I turn the SWG back on?
Many brands of salt are dirty. When I added my 19 bags it definitely was several steps backwards. You can turn the cell back on if the salt has had a full day to mix.
The robot is the only filtration the pool has had since October. I thought it was doing a pretty good job
He deserves a raise, no doubt. Little fella had NO idea what he was signing up for. :ROFLMAO:
PSI, I am running the pump at 1500 RPM, assuming I should boost that?
You want volume through the filter for now. I'd run it high for at least a few days.
However, PSI is consistently at 6 PSI and it doesn't seem like there's much of a vortex in either of the two skimmers.
There won't be any vortexes if the water level is high enough. Especially not at low RPMs.
Also, will the backwash still work properly if there's air in the filter? Obviously, I'll bleed it right before I do it but the air gets back in there pretty quick.
It's usually not alot of air. Imagine blowing through a straw for as long as it takes to bleed. (4 seconds ?). That's like a zip lock sandwich bags worth.
He said "I don't care what the chemicals say." Good 'ole eye test,' regardless of chemical levels!
When you don't know the chemistry........ it's dump and pray.

Also........ We. Are. Discussing. Your. Working. POOL !!!!

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Pump is now at 3000 RPM, a lot of bubbles out of returns as I increased speed, pool looked like a hot tub. PSI on pump says 25, but filter gage shows 19. SWG back on at 20%.

Just to confirm, the filter has never been backwashed, didn't do it at start up like should have. Should I backwash now, or wait for PSI increase?
Should I backwash now, or wait for PSI increase?
Do one now and make note of the current PSI readings, then the new (clean) PSI after the backwash & rinse. Be sure to do a good rinse until clear before going back to filter.

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Backwash completed. PSI exactly the same pre and post backwash at 3000 rpm (25 psi at pump, 18 at filter). A whole lot of sand came out with the backwash.

I wish I had a picture/video of this, but I made a rookie mistake. Just using a backwash hose for now, not sure how I want to permanently plumb a backwash line. Well, it doesn't matter how far down the washout drain you stick a hose, when the pump primes at 3450 RPM to get going, it's like a fire hose. Nothing is keeping that hose in. I"m sure it was comical if anybody saw me corral that hose 🤣
You can lower the priming speed of the pump. Unless you have real issues getting the pump to prime, I suggest you lower it to 2500 rpm or so.
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You can lower the priming speed of the pump. Unless you have real issues getting the pump to prime, I suggest you lower it to 2500 rpm or so.
Great tip! I haven't played with my settings yet, still working through all this new equipment for the first time. No priming issues so far, so I assume I'll be good to drop it to 2500. Thanks!
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Test 1:45 pm today, pump @ 3000 RPM and SWG at 20%

PSI: (25 pump and 18 filter)
FC: 7
pH: 7.8
TA: 70
CH: 100
CYA: 70
Salt: 3400
Temp: 70

Me to the the water:
Hold On Waiting GIF by Fleischer Studios
Your numbers above look great, just that residual cloudy water after passing the OCLT. As noted above, no need to run at such a high rpm. It doesn't make anything go faster or influence the SWG. Unless you need a higher rpm to power a cleaner or something, I would lower it quite a bit. Even an rpm of 1,200 - 1,400 would provide a nice/basic circulation. As Newdue mentioned, to help get a better pressure gauge reading to know when to backwash, bump up the rpm temporarily to about 2,500 - 3,00 just so it can influence the pressure gauge better. Those gauges don't move much on a low rpm.
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Forgive my naiveté, but doesn't higher rpm = higher flow = more filtration?
Consistency is more important that pushing the max amount of water through the filter in a short period of time. It's not a race but a marathon of sorts. A higher speed only uses up more of your electricity.

So is DE that only thing that can help at this point?
Not necessarily. Sometimes it just takes time. But since you did pass the OCLT, using a little DE between backwashes is certainly safe and may help capture any dead organic material. Any pool grade DE will work and a package should last a long time. Do not use any food grade DE products.
Here’s the how to- ignore the instructions on the package & follow the guide. Less is more lol 😁
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