
New member
Jul 7, 2021
NE Oklahoma
I need help. I have been working with pools for years and this year I CAN'T get my pool clear. My pool is 36x52 round abouve ground. 28,000 gal.I have triple shocked it 4 times, Flocked it and put algaecide in it 2x. The chemicals don't change it one bit. still green an like I said, shock isn't touching it. It's like pouring water in it.
Having the worst time getting pool from green to clean. Mentally and financially exhausted. I have NEVER had this much problem getting my pool algae
Wiped out. A typical opening of the pool is taking tarp off and pool is dark green, I triple shock pool and water is a sky cloudy blue over night then I floc it and next day I vacuum to waste.
This year EVERYTHING I put in as far as shock, algaecide is like throwing water in pool, it doesn'r even change to a lighter green. My pool is an above ground 36x52 round. 28,000 gallons. WHY ISN'T shock working???? I also want to say that I NEVER balance my water in 20 yrs b4 shocking pool and it always killed algae and was ready to floc and vacuum. I have been calling pros and I get different suggestions like Alkalinity too low metal in pool..... I'm so over it. HELP!
This year EVERYTHING I put in as far as shock, algaecide is like throwing water in pool, it doesn'r even change to a lighter green
Welcome S&J !!! You’ve tried everything except the one thing you needed. Chlorine. While ‘shock’ has chlorine in it, it’s usually stabilized with Cyanuric Acid (CYA) that raises your CYA and makes you require even *More* chlorine to do the same thing.

You need a proper test kit. There are no 2 ways about it. Order up a TF-100 from It is a small investment but it’s 1/3 the price of *1* trip to the pool store. It will save you DOZENS of pool store trips in its 2 year lifespan.

With reliable test results we can guide you to a stupid crystal clear pool on the cheap with generic chems from Walmart / Home Depot. The pool store takes those chems and adds a fancy label with a 10X markup because suddenly they are for ‘pools’.

We got you. But you need to have you first with a proper test kit. Strips are as reliable as they cost. Could a 5 cent strip EVER diagnose engine troubles on your car ? Of course not. It’s ludicrous. The same applies here.

Unfortunately by the time we meet people, the water may be so far gone that you need to drain/exchange a good deal of it and start over. Even if that’s the case you will never need to do it again if you follow the real world experts here.
Welcome to the forum. Many people have come here with your exact problem.

I'm gonna ask you to invest just a little bit more. You need to get a good test kit. I have and recommend the TF100 from It will save you a ton of money over time, so think of it as an investment rather than an expense. Get the XL option and the speedstir, you'll need the XL option because you're going to be testing a lot as you clean up your water. The Speedstir makes testing more fun, reliable and easier. If you don't want the TF100, the Taylor K2006C is the only other kit that has all the tests you need. Be careful comparing prices because the TF100 comes with more reagents for the tests that you'll run more often, making it a better value.

That being said, once you've ordered your test kit, download the PoolMath app. Enter your pool information into it and use it to calculate 5 ppm of chlorine using whatever strength of bleach/liquid chlorine you are able to find in your local area. Add that amount to your pool every day (with the pump running) until your test kit arrives. Do not add anything else to your pool while you are waiting for your kit. When your kit arrives, run a full suite of tests and post them in this thread like this:


The experts on this site will help you from there. By doing this, you'll learn to take control of your pool and you'll have sparkly water ALL the time. You'll likely never have to fight algae again. Nearly every person on this site has sat exactly where you are right now. Once you learn the process we follow, you will absolutely love the results.
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Welcome to TFP :)

We can help you and get your pool cleaner and clearer than you have ever seen it... you will need one of the recommended Test Kits Compared both will work great... Get a supply of liquid chlorine from lowes, ace, home Depot or walmart and we can go from there (I start with 3 cases/12 gallons).. You may have to empty some of your water but we will not know until you are able to test your water :)
I've just been through this ordeal and happy to say with patience and attention to the SLAM Process, I'm now good to go. Knowing what I know now, and how many different components there are to balanced water, I can't believe I made it through two prior seasons just by tossing a bag of shock in every once in awhile. It was hubris on my part. ;)

In my case I believe it was a high CYA level that was preventing the chlorine from properly oxidizing the algae - the shock I bought was dichlor and so were the tabs I was using, so my CYA went off the charts within a few weeks of opening the pool.

Until I swallowed my pride and committed to testing with the right kit (I have the Taylor K-2006 now), I was spinning my wheels.

It took a partial drain and refill, keeping my free chlorine at SLAM levels and running my filter 24/7 for about a week, but now I'm in good shape. You can be too!
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