Can't see smaller icons

I’m not sure what’s causing that as we’ve been doing nothing today. I’m watching the kids as Sherry has been spending too much money 😂 Let me login to the laptop to see if I can recreate it.
As a long shot, what happens if you hit F5?
I'm on mobile and get it in mobile mode and desktop mode. On an iPhone and Samsung tablet if it helps. I logged out several times, cleared cookies and history and still see the little squares with Xs in them
Screenshot (126).png

James wins. They are served from there (but are supposed to be cached) so it looks like they'll return once their servers are back up. Looks like I also need to look into self-hosting these icons........................
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Checked their Twitter feed and it appears they're working once again on setting things up even more on AWS. Odds say it'll resolve itself here shortly.

Long term I'm expecting TFP to setup a CDN this Winter in which it'll be a very logical step for us to go ahead and host the icons on our own website.
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