Water is cloudy!

Sep 18, 2017
I'm struggling with getting our water clear this season and just don't know what to do. Any help is very much appreciated because we just want to swim!

FC 5
oH 7.8
TA 80
TH 200
CYA 100

We have a SWG and I've been running it on boost. It has only been running for 4 days as our previous SWG bit the dust and continually blew fuses inside the unit. Thank you to anyone that can help.
Welcome to the forum! :handshake:

Typically cloudy water indicates algae. How did you test your water? You should reduce your CYA substantially to prepare to SLAM Process.

Do the dilute test for CYA to see how far above 100 you are. Step 8 in Pool School - CYA

Once you determine your real CYA level, determine how you wish to reduce your CYA to 50 or so. Then use the [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA] to reach your SLAM level FC. Be sure to reduce your pH to 7.2 prior to SLAM.

Take care.
The SWG bears no issue on a SLAM. You treat the pool as a non-SWCG pool during SLAM.

There are no choices to reduce CYA besides drain.

At a CYA 100 (if that is as high as you have), you would need 40 ppm FC for SLAM.

Take care.
Great to hear! Looks nice --

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