Recent content by Stephz520

  1. S


    Ok. I’m slamming now. Do I still stop the SLAM when I pass the OCLT?
  2. S


    It’s mostly in the same spot. But also seeing it in other random spots now. Of course I understand it’s ok to vacuum…just wondering if it’s ok to JUST vacuum brush and clean filter or if I should go ahead and SLAM. Previous suggestions said if I passed oclt than I didn’t need to slam. Will I be...
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    So I’m still seeing some green. I had a busy day with kids yesterday and didn’t add chlorine. This morning I was at: FC 5.5 CC 0 PH 7.4 TA 40 CYA50 Temp: 68° I added chlorine and will be sure to maintain a higher FC of 8 through the weekend. It’s been almost a week now that I come out and see...
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  5. S


    I passed the oclt. Do I not slam?
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    Darn it! I guess I’ve been slacking. Is there any fool proof way to add a little liquid chlorine daily? Pretty sure the chlorinator is just for tabs... correct? My brain was not considering that a higher cya needs higher Fc.
  7. S


    Ok. I will post a full set of test results. Reagents are all new. Expire in 2023
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    Hi TFP! I noticed a little bit of fluorescent green on the walls of the pool today. I brushed. Vacuumed. Cleaned filter. I’ve been keeping my chlorine levels in check, or so I thought. PH has been low, been trying to aerate to bring it up. Not sure why this is happening. I will do oclt...
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    Ph Low

    Ok. Thank you!
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    Ph Low

    Maybe this is a rookie question. I finally seem to have my water mostly balanced. My ph has been low. Do I simply add the suggested amount of washing soda? Just dump it in the water?
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    Water Chemistry for New Fiberglass Pool

    It’s a Hayward Omnilogic. I thought I did add it to my signature. 🤔
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    Water Chemistry for New Fiberglass Pool

    Ok TFP one last question for now. My slam is done. Water looks good. Numbers look good. The pump…when the pool was installed earlier this month the tech said the pump needed to run 12 hours a day so he set it to 10am-10pm is this sufficient or should we set a different schedule so it isn’t off...
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    Water Chemistry for New Fiberglass Pool

    Hi TFP, Not sure how to continue on my original thread. I’ve been slamming the last few days. Last night I went to bed and was at 12ppm and when I woke up I was at 10ppm, I will continue slamming until I’ve lost 1ppm or less. I vacuumed and cleaned the filter this morning and eventually got...
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    Water Chemistry for New Fiberglass Pool

    Ok. I did the oclt and failed so I’m slamming. Yesterday we brushed and vacuumed and brought the chlorine up to 14ppm (a little higher than the recommended 12ppm). This morning it was at 11 before the sun came up. It came down to 7ppm at 1pm so I added the recommended amount of chlorine, brushed...
  15. S

    Water Chemistry for New Fiberglass Pool

    Ok. I did the oclt and failed so I’m slamming. Yesterday we brushed and vacuumed and brought the chlorine up to 14ppm (a little higher than the recommended 12ppm). This morning it was at 11 before the sun came up. It came down to 7ppm at 1pm so I added the recommended amount of chlorine...