Recent content by rlnjones

  1. R

    Draining Pool Help

    Thank you both. I called our local rental place and it was only $30 to rent a sump pump, so I went ahead and got that.
  2. R

    Draining Pool Help

    Short story is our CYA is over 200 and we are doing a drain and re-fill to dilute the CYA. We just turned on the backwash (turned off the skimmers and only the bottom drain is running) and hooked the hose up to a yard sprinkler and have been letting it run. It's drained about 13 hours like...
  3. R

    Design and PB Choice

    I understand. There's a lot of oak wilt out there :( , I know a lot of neighbors have lost lots of oaks recently. If it's inevitable anyway, not as big of a deal.
  4. R

    Design and PB Choice

    Looks like you have awesome advice so far. PB#2 design is my favorite but it sucks that you have to lose some trees. Can't he move it over some to avoid losing trees?
  5. R

    Pool just finished - what "accessories" do you recommend?

    We're supposed to get a test kit from our PB during Pool School. Also, there is a store in town that gives out sample bottles and you bring in your pool sample and they help you figure out what you need. If those two things leave us with our heads scratching, then we will come to this website...
  6. R

    Pool just finished - what "accessories" do you recommend?

    Good to know that basketball hoops dont last! I think we will wait on that then.
  7. R

    Pool just finished - what "accessories" do you recommend?

    Thank you and duly noted :) I should have also mentioned that we do have quite a bit of shade. There's only about 2 hours out of the day where there is no place to escape the sun except under the covered patio.
  8. R

    Pool just finished - what "accessories" do you recommend?

    Hi everyone! We just got our new pool filled with water last week. Actually, its not even completely done yet (still waiting on sun deck), but it has water so we are swimming! Now we are starting to think about what all we need to complete our outdoor oasis. There are so many thoughts going...
  9. R

    Pool builder messed up - need advice on depth

    Thanks Kim. But that seems to be for diving. I haven't had any luck finding info on safe jumping (feet first) depths. But it really doesn't matter because we are going to go ahead and have them fix it :) - - - Updated - - - Thank you to everyone for all of the responses. We decided to have...
  10. R

    Pool builder messed up - need advice on depth

    So in what depth of water is it safe? Is there some sort of formula or written guidelines somewhere? - - - Updated - - - Thank you all so much for the responses. We are 99% sure we are going to make the redo it. Still waiting to hear what the credit would be. Unless its some crazy high...
  11. R

    New Build in TX Hill Country

    OK, I updated my signature. Here's what it looks like today. We are about half way through the build process. Can't wait.
  12. PoolTile.jpg


  13. R

    New Build in TX Hill Country

    Darn, can't upload any more pics. And can't figure out how to delete pics that I've uploaded and don't care about. Oh well.
  14. R

    New Build in TX Hill Country

    I love seeing everyones posts about their pools and seeing all of the different designs. So, here's ours. 33x22 FF IG pool with 7' spa Design: Dig:
  15. Jones Design 1.6_002.jpg

    Jones Design 1.6_002.jpg